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To Love and to Love Again Chapter 32: The Sound of Truth

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER AND AUTHORS NOTE: I do NOT own Naruto. The awesomeness of the Naruto Manga and World is the creation of Masashi Kishimoto. This is Purely Fanfiction. All things Medical in this entire fanfiction should not be taken as serious medical advice or facts. PLEASE CONSULT AN ACTUAL DOCTOR FOR ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION/QUESTIONS. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!

This wasn't the first night in which Kakashi realized that one did not have to be on the brink of death to see their lives flash before their eyes, but it certainly felt like it. He saw every moment of his life from the minute she was born to the moment she confronted him.

All of her childhood that was painstakingly built by the shadows of the dangerous life he lead crumbled before him, leaving only her burning green eyes demanding the truth.

"Tell me…," Sakura said with piercing eyes. "This…" she said holding up the book "…is Sai's confession… so I don't need you to confirm it. But I need you to say it."

Kakashi was at a loss for words. The loss of his standing in Sakura's eyes weighed heavily on him, and he knew that no crafty lies or hasty denials would do him any good. The book she held in a death grip would negate all he said. Nothing could be more dangerous than that damned book. He couldn't lie to her any longer.

"When I was a child I was approached by an organization that recruited me for both my advanced intelligence and physical capabilities, in hopes of becoming an asset to them," he began. "I accepted, I trained, and I excelled. I've been called to protect and serve the people of this country from things that have never seen the light of day because of what we do to stop it. What we do requires a great many sacrifices. We keep our missions and our lives in the shadows…even from the ones we love."

Sakura stood as still as a statue, absorbing everything and holding on to herself as he continued.

"I am Hatake Kakashi, Commanding Leader of the CIA," Kakashi confessed with still and unwavering eyes at the sight of her taking it all in. He couldn't read her at all. She was deathly still with her eyes devoid of all emotion and her countenance unresponsive as he exposed the secret of his true identity. She was scaring the living soul right out of him. Never in his life had he seen her still or unpredictable.

"I've told you countless lies and kept you closed off from the world as the dark and dangerous place that I know it to be," he continued. "I've seen the worst of what humanity has to offer and then some; limitless evils so unimaginable that we ourselves must be kept secret to keep those evils secret. But there is one solid truth that I have never denied you Sakura," he said moving a step toward her. "You are my daughter, and nothing, not even your lost faith in me, will stop me from loving you and protecting you the only way I know how."

Sakura stood and stared as he made his confession. This was her father. He was her whole world before Sai and Sora. Never once in her life did she think something like this was even possible. But here he was, laying it all down before her as she forced his hand. She knew what she was asking, and she would bear the consequences.

"…did…my mother…" She couldn't get the rest of the words out. Kakashi didn't need her to do so in order to get the message.

"She knew," he replied, watching her carefully as he spoke. "I didn't have to hide it from her…because your mother was also a CIA Agent. More than that, she was a medical doctor on the verge of becoming the next Tsunade. Both of us agreed that you were not to be told of this," he said noticing the change in her demeanor all of the sudden. She shifted back slightly as a new flame developed in her eyes.

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