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To Love and to Love Again Chapter 19: Hope and Desire

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER AND AUTHORS NOTE: I do NOT own Naruto. The awesomeness of the Naruto Manga and World is the creation of Masashi Kishimoto. This is Purely Fanfiction. All things Medical in this entire fanfiction should not be taken as serious medical advice or facts. PLEASE CONSULT AN ACTUAL DOCTOR FOR ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION/QUESTIONS. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!

"You're mine," he growled before lunging at her and capturing her lips in a solid and fierce kiss.

He wasn't kidding when he said he'd kiss her with everything he's got. She was left breathless, closing her eyes and holding onto him as his lips welded together with hers. At that moment, they were neither aware, nor did they care about who was watching them.

Sakura was in surrender to his kiss, when all of the sudden, the lights to the ballroom shut down.

He inconspicuously made his way over to the two small children that were watching their parents dancing. He briefly took a glance at those parents and gave a sneer of distaste at the sight of them kiss. It seemed like the entire ballroom became an audience to the scene, and that worked out perfectly for him.

Once he was within a foot of the children, the lights went down… and that was his signal.

He quickly bent down and struck both children behind the junction of the head and cervical vertebrae, aiming for the cerebellum causing their bodies to go limp within seconds. He would have applied pressure to their carotid sinuses, but he was told to bring the children back with minimal damage.

He caught the two children before they hit the ground and tossed them over each shoulder. The ballroom was pitch black and filled with the murmurs of the guests. According to his schedule, he had approximately three minutes to get out of the ballroom before the backup generators would take effect.

He made his way stealthily out of the ballroom, dodging every one that came within his path and successfully exited the premises.

Sasuke and Sakura broke apart from their kiss and looked around. He still had a firm grip on her as he tried to assess the situation.

"A power outage? Where are the kids?" Sakura asked as she tried to look around. It was so dark that she couldn't even see Sasuke right in front of her. There was an announcement on the overhead speakers.

"Ladies and Gentleman, please remain calm. We are currently experiencing a power outage. The backup generators shall take effect within three minute. Please remain standing where you are as the generator takes effect."

This message was ignored by the CIA members in the room. To them, this was considered a suspicious occurrence, and everyone was on high alert. Kakashi was speaking through his hidden communicator in his tie.

"Report your positions," he ordered. He and Anko stood by and waited for the responses.

"Neji, west wing."

"Shikamaru, west wing."

"Naruto, east wing."

"Any activity?"

"Negative," was his response from all three of them. Kakashi listened and waited to hear from the other Agents. No response came, but the electricity came back on and illuminated the ballroom once more. People were buzzing about and discussing the strange occurrence, but were gradually going back to the festivities.

All except Sasuke and Sakura that is.

"Where are the kids?" Sakura asked again as she looked around. Sasuke did the same as he scanned the area. He couldn't see Sora or Suki.

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