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To Love and To Love Again Chapter 21: Repercussions

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER AND AUTHORS NOTE: I do NOT own Naruto. The awesomeness of the Naruto Manga and World is the creation of Masashi Kishimoto. This is Purely Fanfiction. All things Medical in this entire fanfiction should not be taken as serious medical advice or facts. PLEASE CONSULT AN ACTUAL DOCTOR FOR ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION/QUESTIONS. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!

Kakashi sighed as he stepped into his house. When he called Anko, she said she was busy with a case and that he should grow up and get over himself. Needless to say that left him in more of a slump. Sakura was gone all but seven hours and already it felt like years.

He hung his coat and kicked off his shoes before his dogs came to greet him as usual. They could sense their master's distress. Kakashi lazily patted their heads and continued to walk into the house when his cell phone rang. He saw the caller ID as Asuma.

"Kakashi here," he said as he plopped down in his arm chair. Asuma's voice sounded grave on the other end.

"Kakashi…" What he heard next was the most heart stopping sentence he had ever heard in his life. "Sakura…she…" Asuma went onto explaining the incident. Kakashi listened in absolute fear before he bolted from his home and speed off towards the CIA base, where he knew a helicopter to Tokyo was waiting for him.

The doors to the ER were flung open as its CEO came bursting through. Nurses, doctors and other personnel alike moved out of his way as he charged through the ward. Sasuke had received the phone call from Itachi about the break in at Sakura's house. He spotted Hinata at the work station and made his way over.

He paid no attention to the stares and murmurs that lingered in the air. Sakura's arrival in the ER and the circumstances that brought her there was a hot topic that he just didn't care for at the moment.

"Where is she?" he practically growled as he placed his hands on the counter. Hinata looked at him worriedly.

"She's in MRI with Neji. So far there's no major damage. Just minor injuries," she said quickly, however that didn't sustain Sasuke at all.

"And what about Sora?"

"He's with Naruto in Pediatrics. He sustained minor scrapes and bruises…" she didn't get to finish as he turned around and immediately headed in that direction. The night shift personnel cleared the way when they saw who was storming down the halls. After passing the many beds that made up the ward, Sasuke pushed open the double doors that lead into Pediatrics, where he immediately spotted Naruto with Sora.

Both turned their heads in his direction, and it took Sora a few seconds before jumping off the gurney and running toward him. Sasuke could see the fear in his eyes and increased his pace, meeting him half way in the aisle. He caught Sora as he ran into his arms and held on as the boy began to sob. Relief washed over his body now that he knew Sora wasn't seriously hurt.

Naruto stood dumbfounded at the sight. For one thing, he was not anticipating Sora running to Sasuke as is he was his father.

What was even stranger was Sasuke's behavior. The way his eyes changed from furious to worried, then down to relieved when he caught sight of Sora was that of a parents. Sasuke meant so much more to Sora than he had anticipated. That much was now clear.

"You're safe," Sasuke breathed as he placed his large hand over Sora's little head. He noticed the gauze that was wrapped around his forearm. "It's okay now," he soothed trying to calm him. He caught Naruto's eye and walked over to him with Sora in his arms.

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