Chapter 1

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Upper quotes on THIS book belong to me, they can be found across my stories. Feel free to use them whenever you wish. And, enjoy!




"You and I both know that you like it rough,"

I knew I shouldn't have agreed on going to lake house with Ann and Cora but they both literally dragged me out of my apartment and I couldn't do anything about it. My final semester was at the corner and I had pack duties to take care off, yet, I came along with them, willingly.

Core slapped the water as I maintained to stay stern over the rocks inside the lake. There were only a few times I went swimming and I ended up walking out so I didn't know it well.

"Stop throwing water at me!" I yelled at Cora and she rolled her eyes before smacking the water again.

My hair and face got wet. I grunted and walked towards the shore to leave and get back inside the lake house. It was a stress living with Cora and Ann at the same house.

"Come on, Lilliana, I'm sorry!" Cora shouted, running behind me. "I was just playing,"

"You know I don't like it when water gets in my eyes,"

"Yeah, yeah, I know."

I grabbed the towel resting outside the lake house and wrapped it around my body before going inside. Cora followed me, we chit-chatted on our way in and stopped when we found Ann—cooking.

"Oh, God! It smells horrible," Cora exclaimed, her face scrunching with disgust. She wasn't wrong—it smelled horrible, worse than that.

"What did you even make?" I asked Ann. Peeking inside the kitchen, I found a bunch of burnt cookies. "You were supposed to only keep them for ten minutes," I told her.

Ann bit into one of the cookies and tasted it, "Really? They taste good,"

"Ew! We are ordering in," Cora whipped her hair around before disappearing into the washroom.

While I waited, I grabbed my phone and checked the missed calls I had received from my ex-boyfriend, Evan, he hadn't stopped calling me and it was getting irritating now.

"Evan again?" Ann asked, trashing all the cookies. For a moment, I wished I could've trashed Evan just like the cookies.

"Yeah, I'm going to block his number." I said, clicking on the block button. I was here, at the lake house, for a vacation, not to speak to my ex who wasn't over with me yet.

Ann walked over to me and glanced at my phone, "I don't understand men," she sipped on wine to get rid of the taste of burnt cookies, "Like, didn't he mate with his mate? Why does he still want you?"

It wasn't long ago when Evan found his mate, Jennie and he didn't waste a second before mating with her while he was in a relationship with me. It pissed me and my wolf off to the edge and I broke up with him the exact minute I found a mark over Jennie's neck.

How could he even do that?

"I know, I told him a thousand times—I forgave him and he should just be with his mate," I sighed and threw my phone over the couch as Cora walked out of the washroom. She was dressed now and I was the only one in the swim suit.

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