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when jungkook wakes up that next morning, he's hit with a wave of memories. these memories being what happened last night.

"good morning." a familiar someone says from behind him. his breath brushes over jungkook's ear as he speaks. it takes all the robot's energy to shove the urge to shiver away and turn over to see who it was.

jungkook turns over and he's instantly met with taehyung. jungkook then realises there's more than just taehyung and himself in the bed, but to the other side of taehyung, there is yoongi, who he must of let go sometime last night.

"morning tae," jungkook greets as he blinks softly with a sleepy smile.

"you still tired?" taehyung asks him as one of his hands makes his way to jungkook's face. his hand caresses the robots cheek with the pad of his finger gently, before he drops his hand and it lands on the space between himself and jungkook. and this is when the robot notices that taehyung didn't have a shirt on.

jungkook blushes deeply and averts his eyes to the wardrobe a few feet away from the bed, behind taehyung. the other lifts his hand again and runs his hand through the robots hair.

jungkook's eyes move back to taehyung as a confused look starts to cross his face.

the younger suddenly beams at jungkook, showing off his famous box smile.

then taehyung does something unexpected, he wraps his arms around jungkook and pulls him close to his chest.

jungkook is so close to taehyung that he can hear his heartbeat, which is beating surprisingly fast. was he... nervous?

the younger rests his chin on top of jungkook's head and sighs, squeezing the others waist softly.

the robot, even though he was confused as to why this was happening, leans into taehyung. who was he to deny some affection?

jungkook finally relaxes and closes his eyes. he feels himself drift away again as he listens to taehyung's now steady heartbeat.

copying what the younger had done, jungkook wraps his arms around taehyung's waist.

then he falls asleep.

when jungkook wakes up once again, it's easy to tell it's midday, judging by the sun which had originally woken him and due to the fact he could hear birds chirping outside.

jungkook sits up sleepily, frowning when he realises taehyung wasn't next to him. surprisingly, he could still feel the heat that the younger had given off. this told jungkook that he hadn't been alone for long.

the robot rubs his eyes with the knuckles of his hand and slowly inches his eyes open.

seokjin's room looks effortlessly beautiful as always. his room is always very calming and relaxing, which is why jungkook likes to come here so much.

the plants that hang from the ceiling swing with the weak wind that blows in from the open window a few feet opposite the bed.

jungkook stands and walks over to the window, seokjin's wooden bedroom floor creaking under his feet quietly. the robot leans over the windowsill and peers out the window.

he looks over and sees hoseok sitting down on the flat part of the roof a few meters away. "hey h-hobi!" jungkook calls to the other. his voice cracks half way though saying hoseok's name and he grabs his throat in surprise with a laugh.

hoseok beckons him over with the motion of his hand a sweet smile.

jungkook climbs out the window and walks over the slanted part of the roof, trying his best to not loose his balance. then he jumps down from the slanted part and lands on the flat part of the roof.

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