Moon Dances Over Your Good Side

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Author's Note: Hello my lovelies! This chapter is a tad short, so I'm sorry about that! I wanted you to establish a slight feel for Cara and get a little fun at the end :). It's going to seem like it's moving super fast but I PROMISE you, it's not! I'm just trying to break up the chapter a little bit since first chapters can be a little boring! P.S. can you catch the first album reference I made? I think it's pretty obvious but let me know :)). Okay, enjoyyyy!



I smile lightly at the gray-haired woman as I hand her the brown bag and her receipt. "You're all set, have a wonderful day."

"Thank you, dear. Have a wonderful day too," she replies with a warm smile. She gives a wave to Harry from across the counter and he smiles at her as she walks out the door, the bell chiming on it.

I turn to him as I untie my apron and set it behind the counter. "My mum's headed over right now to pick me up. How long is your shift?"

He looks down at his watch and sighs. "I'm here 'til five-thirty."

"Oh, sorry," I give him a small smile.

Harry Styles is my absolute best friend. We've been friends since, well- before I can remember. We've been inseparable throughout all of grade school. As we round out our school year, I reflect back that just two years ago when we were fourteen, we started this job at the bakery together. It's absolutely crazy how time flies.

"It's fine," he gives me a small smile. "I'm coming to yours after, right?"

"Yeah, that should be fine," I say, walking to the back room behind the register, picking up my coat and purse.

I hear the bell chime on the door and make my way back out to the counter. My mum walks in, brushing blonde locks of hair out of her face. She flashes me a smile and a wave. "Cara, darling, how was the day?" She gives a wave to Harry behind me, and he smiles at her and waves.

"Great," I grin. "Harry practiced icing a cake today, he did it all by himself. For the first time ever." I look over at him and smile, while he swats his arm at me.

"It was not my first time doing that!" he frowns.

I laugh and look back to my mother. "Oh goodness, the two of you," she laughs, as she begins making her way toward the back of the store. My mother is friends with the bakery's owner, and frequently talks with her when she comes to pick me up. "Cara, before we head out, did Harry tell you he's auditioning for the X Factor in a couple weeks?" she asks, not caring to hear the answer as she rushes off to the back room.

I peer over at him, a small squint in my eye. "Funny enough, Harry, you didn't mention that."

He shrugs lightly. "It's not a big deal," he says as he dusts the flour off the back counter into his hand, tossing it into the garbage.

"What do you mean it isn't a 'big deal'?" I question with air quotes. "Harry, this could be a great opportunity."

"I just don't think it's that big of a deal," he looks plainly at me. "I mean, tons of people audition. It doesn't mean they become stars."

I roll my eyes as I begin putting my coat on. "But they're not you, are they?" I ask with a smirk.

I've always known how talented Harry is. He rarely likes to sing in front of me, but I've caught him a few times and he has a beautiful voice. I wish he was more sure of himself and could see how amazing he is.

Now he's the one rolling his eyes. "Oh, please. Give me a break."

I laugh, just as my mom walks out from the back with a grin on her face. "Ready to go?" she asks me.

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