Tongue-Tied Like We've Never Known

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Author's Note: Sooo how we feeling? They kissed ;). Felt like it was time for that ish to take place. Hopefully it wasn't written poorly lol I'm awkward, so like... yeah. Sorry I haven't posted in a few days... I've been working out how I'm feeling about this story and I needed a little break. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this chapter!



I'm not sure what to feel.

After the... kiss last night, Harry and I awkwardly went to each of our respective rooms.

And I fell asleep immediately.

I'm not sure if I was drunk off the champagne or the kiss, but I fell right asleep, not even thinking about the fact that I kissed my best friend of seventeen years.

But that's what today is for, isn't it?

I rub my eyes as I shift in my bed and sit up, staring at the wall in front of me.

I. Kissed. Harry.

Correction. Harry kissed me. And I let him. And I... liked it.

I mean, I always knew he was a good kisser, but man, that boy can kiss.

Stop it, I think to myself.

I shake myself of my thoughts and remind myself that I now have to go on with my life, which makes me shiver. I'm on tour with not only the same person I just kissed, but four other boys who have practically become his best friends.

This could not get any more awkward.

I groan and throw my head back, mentally asking God why this had to happen to me. I toss my blankets off and slowly trudge to the bathroom, taking a look at myself when I get to the mirror.

Hmm, freshly kissed, my subconscious laughs at me.

Shut up!

I suck in a sharp breath and run my fingers through my hair, deciding that they best way to wash away these thoughts and feelings is to, quite literally, wash them away.

I strip off my clothing and turn on the shower, waiting until the water heats up. I step in slowly, wincing at the heat of the water, but eventually letting my muscles relax under its soothing flow.

But the thoughts don't stop.

I'd love to say that I'm not one to overthink things, but that's just not true.

But like I said, I never overthought the other times I kissed Harry. Why was this time so different?

Was it because it was a more intimate moment than the other times were? Was it because this time wasn't just a quick peck on the lips and an 'ew' from both of us? Or maybe it's because I left actually liking it when I've never even thought of Harry that way.

Yes, that was it.

I have noticed the way he's touched me lately. I notice the way he puts his arm around me when we're with the guys. I notice when he puts his hand on the small of my back and guides me. Even when he holds my hand.

And I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel nice. Because it does.

But I didn't think of it in any sort of way. And now I am. And I don't know what to do about it.

I quickly wash my body and my hair, and turn off the water, stepping out of the shower and wrapping myself in a white bath towel. I quickly dry myself off, and then wrap the towel back around my body as I head to my suit case to find something to wear.

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