Two Hearts in One Home

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Author's Note: Wowww the support from you guys is incredible :'). You have no idea how much it means to me that you guys take the time out of your day to read this story. Thank you. Today we have a little bit of tension to spice things up. Hehe, hopefully you guys like it. I want to take my time writing that kind of stuff so it seems more organic, but I felt like today was a good time to sprinkle some of that in. So... enjoy ;).



I turn on my phone and scroll through my playlist, tapping on 'Shine On You Crazy Diamond' by Pink Floyd. I smile as it starts up.

I adore this song.

I dance and twirl over to my closet and search through it. I stop when my hands land on a red dress.

I think it's time to wear this one.

It's an A-line style dress with three-quarter length sleeves and a v-neck neckline. It's a really lovely silk material that will likely hit mid-thigh on me. The neckline has a slight plunge to it, but nothing severe. I think it's appropriate enough for today.

Today's Christmas.

Kind of hard to believe we're already at the end of this rollercoaster of a year.

I grab the dress off the hanger and set it down on my dresser. I slip off my fuzzy pajama pants and my sweatshirt before I grab the dress and unzip the zipper in the back. I step into it and shimmy it over my hips, sighing when I get it on. I zip up the zipper on the back, and run my hands over the front of it as I look in the mirror.

It's pretty.

This is a dress my dad bought for my mum years ago, and I'm surprised I'm letting myself wear it today. She gave it to me as a Christmas gift two years ago. I tossed it in my closet and never wore it because the thought of it made me feel uneasy. But today I think I should wear it.

I've been thinking about my dad a lot lately, especially now that it's the holiday. I miss him so much, and I know I always will, but I think I have to start finding ways to incorporate him into my life that don't make me sad.

And for some reason, this dress doesn't make me sad today. It makes me happy.

I run my hands through my blonde hair and pad over across the hall to Grace's room.

"Grace?" I call, knocking on her door.

"Hold on, I'm coming," she replies, and I can hear her trudge across her room.

She opens the door and she's wearing a black sweater dress with knee-high black boots. She looks stunning.

"Wow, Grace," I look at her. "You look really pretty."

"Thanks," she smiles. "Did you need something?"

"Uh, yeah," I pause. "Does this dress look fine for today?" I spin in a circle so she can get the full effect of it.

"I think it's lovely," she gives me a small smile. "Is that Mum's old dress?" she asks. I nod at her and smile. "Well, I think you look really nice in it. I'm sure Harry will love it," she says as she makes eyes at me.

Every year we go to Harry's house for Christmas.

After my dad died, my mum started feeling like Christmas was far too somber with just the three of us. Since Harry's parents are divorced and he spends this holiday with his mum, Anne suggested we make it a tradition to come over to her house on Christmas for dinner.

And thus, the Styles-Townes Christmas is a yearly event.

We always dress up because Christmas is a pretty big deal to both of our mums, but my concern is never what Harry will think of what I'm wearing. I roll my eyes at Grace's statement.

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