Fridge Light Washes This Room White

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Author's Note: Catch the lyrical reference above? Haha, anyway... I'm having so much fun writing this story and I hope you're having fun reading it! I know reading a story that's still being updated can be frustrating because you want to have the entire book at your hands, but I'm working as hard as possible to update frequently! I want this book out as much as you might! Anyway, in this chapter we get a little Harry POV which is exciting... I'm going to be doing this frequently throughout the book because I think it adds a nice detail to the story so you don't just see things from Cara's POV constantly. Anyway, sorry for that long update! Onto the story :).



After I danced under the moon and Harry watched me, chuckling as I spun and spun, we head back inside. I fold up the empty pizza box and put it on the kitchen counter to be taken out to the recycling the next day. Then I walk over to the fridge, opening it as the bright light from it illuminates the room. I grab two cans of lemonade and sit one down in front of Harry, who's sitting at the kitchen counter.

"Thanks," he smiles.

"Sure," I reply, leaning on the counter in front of him while he's seated on a wooden barstool. "So, are we going to continue this X Factor conversation, or what?"

"What about it?" he laughs. "It's not a big deal."

"Harry," I pause, sighing, "it is a big deal! You're in a band now, did you ever consider that music might be your path?" I say, referencing his band, White Eskimo, which he rarely lets me see.

He scoffs and smiles at me. "No, of course it isn't. Not possible," I squint my eyes at him. He reluctantly sighs. "I mean, it would be awfully cool, wouldn't it?" he smirks at the thought of becoming a star.

"Uh, yes it would be cool," I laugh, giving him a shove. "I can see it now," I say, throwing my arms up in the air and creating a fake sign with my hands, "Harry Styles at Madison Square Garden," I pause and look at him and he laughs. I shrug and smile. "It has a nice ring to it, eh?"

"Not an awful ring," he admits. "Regardless, I'm not going to get my hopes up. I'm just going to get up there and sing and see what happens."

"Well, you do you," I reply. I point my finger at him and say, "But, you are bringing me with, no objections."

"It's a Sunday," he replies.

"Perfect. What a lovely weekend trip." I smile at him.

He laughs. "Fine, you'll come with," he sighs, rolling his eyes, but still smiling.

"Well, then it's sorted. You're becoming a star and I'm going to get to say I knew you when you were prepubescent and just a simple Holmes Chapel boy."

"Hey!" he shouts, as I grab my lemonade and head over to the couch.

"Don't hate the player, Harry Styles. Hate the game," I giggle as I slump on the couch and pick up the TV remote. "Now, are we going to watch some telly, or what?"

He laughs, shaking his head and heads over to the couch.

Hmm... Harry Styles a famous star. Why does the thought of that not surprise me?



I grab the pizza from the pizza parlor and walk over to my car, opening the door and setting the box down in the passenger side as I get in the driver's side. It always makes me laugh that though we're sixteen, I have my license and Cara still hasn't gotten hers yet. And, her birthday is literally only two weeks after mine. Ha.

I hum as I put a Fleetwood Mac CD in the CD player and pull out of the lot. I start on my route to Cara's, thinking about the chat we had earlier today.

I'm not sure why she's so concerned about my X Factor audition in a couple weeks. It's not like anything will likely come of it. And besides, I'm nervous about it and would rather not think about it too much. I'm sure she wants to come with me, but for some reason I like to keep my music separate from my friendship with her.

Cara and I have been close since we were babies, and I think to some extent she feels more like a sister to me than anything. But even if she's seen a few of my performances with my band, I don't want her to hear me sing. That would make me even more nervous than I already am.

I shake myself out of my thoughts and turn into her driveway, parking the car and lifting up the pizza box, stepping out into the cold air.

Jesus Christ it's bloody cold out.

I quickly rush to the front door, shivering, as I knock on the door. My smile is wide despite my knowing I'm most definitely getting frostbite standing out here.

I can hear Cara run to the door, and she greets me with a wide smile and a laugh.

"Jesus, do you ever stop smiling?" she laughs, letting me in the house.

"I'm freaking cold!" I exclaim, as I set the pizza on the console table and begin to take off my jacket.

She pats my shoulder and looks at me with a straight face. "Well, you're going to stay cold."

"Excuse me?" I question. "I am absolutely not!" Like hell I'm going to freeze and die. Not this young, no thank you.

"Yes, because we're going out," she replies, as I squint my eyes and tilt my head. What? "we're eating under the moon tonight." She must be absolutely crazy. Does she know how cold it is outside? Or, need I remind her we're living in the United freaking Kingdom, not Bali?

"We are not," I protest, but she grabs my arm and the pizza and drags me through the kitchen and through the back door. I relentlessly follow.

"We most certainly are," she says, smiling at me with a devilish grin, as we step out into the below zero temperature. "The moon is far too bright and beautiful tonight to stay inside and wallow away." Who even notices something like that? Just Cara. She skips out to the middle of the grass and sets the pizza down, laying down on her back and peering up at the sky. She pats on the ground and waves at me to join her.

"Are you mental?" I question. "It's, like, below zero degrees out!"

"It's not," she chuckles. "And no, I want to lay under the moon. Come join or you don't eat," she tells me as she opens the pizza box and grabs a slice.

Well, like hell I'm not eating the dinner I bought. I sigh and drag my feet over to the grass where she lays. I grab a piece of pizza and look up at the sky. The moon is big and bright, illuminating both of our faces, dancing over the good side of her face. Cara always has been quite pretty and you can see it now under the moon. "It is quite pretty," I reply, glancing over at her and then staring back up at the sky.

"Isn't it?" she smiles with her mouth agape as she stares up at the stars in the sky. "Makes me think of dancing."

"In what regard would it ever make you think of dancing?" I slightly laugh at her absurdity.

"I don't know," she replies, setting the pizza down, grabbing my hand and pulling me off of the ground. She yanks me into the grass. "Twirl me, Harry."

I slump in my spot and laugh. "You're crazy. Are you sure you're not a werewolf or something?" I question, convinced someone has done something to the Cara Townes I knew and replaced her with some alien. She rarely does things like this. "Are you going through a peculiar change I should know about?" I further question, getting a slight laugh from her.

"Oh, come on. Dance with me," she pushes. "it could be fun."

I let out a laugh and grab on to her hand, twirling her and watching as the moon shifts on her face while she smiles and moves. Her teeth sparkle in the moonlight as her blonde hair whips around her face. After a few moments of this, I get tired and fall down to the ground where I was standing. She continues to dance and giggle and she twirls in the moonlight, me watching as she does so. I laugh at her as I reach for the piece of pizza I left behind earlier. "I said it before and I'll say it again. You're crazy, Cara Townes." My crazy, absolutely mental best friend.

She flashes me a smile and continues dancing while I sit and watch her enjoy the night sky. The simplicity of the night sits with the two of us, her twirling and me watching, as we stay right here for hours.

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