They Don't Know About Us

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Author's Note: I like this chapter :). It's a little short, but I've realized some of the chapters I write are unnecessarily long. Sometimes I write really long chapters because it's what works for the book, but sometimes it's also just because I feel like I should. So this one's a little shorter, but I like it. I hope you do too. I've also listed 'All I Want' by Joni Mitchell. It's the song featured in this chapter. 



Today's our final night in London for at least a couple weeks. We won't be here again until the end of January.

It's been two days since Harry and I made the decision to start staying in the same room as one another. Well, since Harry decided we should stay in the same room as one another, and I agreed.

That night, I was pretty quick to go along. He had a solid argument. We have gotten awfully close lately. It makes sense for me to stay in a room with him. 

But the morning after I was a little weary. Waking up in his t-shirt and in his bed was strange to me. Showering in his bathroom—which was now my bathroom too—seemed unusual. That was the first time I realized things really have changed between the two of us. 

Sure, we've been whatever we are for a month or so, but we've never done anything very couple-like besides kissing and holding hands. Now we're staying in the same hotel room, sharing a space. We're doing intimate things that make me realize that I am truly falling for him.

And that scares me a little bit.

He's my best friend, regardless of what's happening between us. That'll never change. But I'm also very much aware that with all of these romantic changes between us, our friendship is changing, too. 

So I was a tad nervous when I woke up yesterday morning. I still am now, but I realize that this could be a good thing for us. I want it to be a good thing for us.

And truly, I can't sleep alone like I did before. Not anymore.

But now I'm sitting at a table with him and four other guys who have practically become my brothers, and I'm about to run out of the room in complete fear. 

Because tonight is the night we tell them.

Part of the other agreement we made was we'd tell them what was going on between us. Not before they figure it out, or someone spills the beans. On our own accord, at our own time. And it seems as though now is that time.

I thought we should wait to tell our parents until we go back in February, but Harry argued that a lot could change between now and then. He thinks it would be better if we tell them sooner rather than later. I guess we'll just rip the bandaid off and see if it hurts. 

I think it will. 

Telling the most important people in my life the same news within the span of so little time? Yeah, that's anxiety-inducing. 

Not because I don't trust the people we're telling. I trust all of them a lot. But telling them Harry and I have surpassed the level of seeing each other in nappies to seeing each other in underwear is somewhat embarrassing.

And I'm very nervous about it.

We're sitting at a large, round oak table as the guys shove food into their mouths and talk about the show. It's late, probably around eleven-thirty. Since it's our last night in London we wanted to have a celebratory dinner.

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