Sweet Creature

248 28 151

Author's Note: I don't have much to say about this one except it makes me all mushy inside ;').


Harry told me he'd pick me up at around ten this morning. I think I'm still getting used to the time difference because I woke up only thirty minutes ago.

From the very little information he gave me, I'm not completely sure what to wear today. But I assume since California—from what I've seen of it—is mostly comprised of beaches, we may be doing something along those lines. I decide for that reason to slip on a white bikini under the dress I'm wearing.

The sundress I've decided on today is orange with hints of yellow and it has flowers on it. It has a plunging back and a v-neck front, but it's very cute. I decide to pair it with a pair of white sandals and a pair of circular white sunglasses.

I'm sitting in the room on a somewhat dingy couch that resides close to the front door. Both my mum and Grace are still asleep, so I don't want to wake them. It appears the time change has affected them as well.

I get a text from Harry telling me he's here, so I quickly scribble a note to my mum telling her I left. I quietly shut the door behind me and head toward the elevators.

When I reach the front door, I see Harry parked outside and I quickly run to the car, opening the door and jumping in.

"Hey," he smiles.

"Hey," I smile back.

I put my seatbelt on and he pulls away from the curb, running his fingers through his hair.

He's wearing a white t-shirt with red and white swim shorts today. He also has dark brown sunglasses covering his eyes.

"Ah, so we're going to the beach," I say, noticing his appearance.

"Somewhat," he replies.

"What do you mean 'somewhat'?" I question, chuckling. "You're wearing swim shorts, Harry."

"Very observant," he smiles, turning to me. "But there are approximately twelve or so hours we have to do things," he says, looking down at the time on the clock in the car.

"Twelve hours?"

"Maybe not twelve," he corrects himself. I laugh and he does too. "But the point is there's only so much you can do at the beach. I have other plans for us as well."

"And what might those plans be?" I ask, looking out the window and watching as the palm trees and buildings pass. A hot pink flower vines up the walls, which I've recently learned is called a 'bougainvillea' plant. It's beautiful.

"Well," he pauses, rubbing his chin with his thumb and forefinger, "I can't tell you."

"Why?" I sneer at him.

"Remember that little trip we took to the watermelon patch last year?" he asks.


"Remember how you didn't tell me what the plans were?"

"Yes, but Harry, I don't understand how that ha-"

He lowers his sunglasses at me. "Same thing," he interrupts me. "I wasn't allowed to know about that, and you don't get to know about this," he smirks, turning his attention back to the road.

How does that make any sense?

"Okay," I sigh. "But are we going to a beach?" I ask.

"We are going somewhere that includes water, yes," he replies.

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