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Author's Note: Wow. The last chapter was very emotion-filled. What are your thoughts on how Cara was feeling/ handled the topic of her dad? Do you feel like reliving those days and moments where it happened helped her to finally accept it? I'd love to know your thoughts. Okay also wow I really love this chapter lol. Little snippets of cuteness lol. Hope you like it too.



I breathe in the air of the hotel room, and typically when I do this I'm met with the scent of lemon cleaning supplies or fresh linens. 

But today I'm met with the scent of Harry.

I shuffle underneath the covers, and notice his arms are wrapped around my waist. His head is nuzzled in the crook of my neck. I laugh a little bit at how adorable he looks right now. 

We told ourselves we were taking things slow, and I truly believe we are. But there was something about last night that made me feel like I needed him to stay with me. And I'm glad he did. I feel better waking up this morning.

Last night was one of the most painful nights I've lived in a long time. Probably one of the most painful since the night my dad died. But I'm hopeful that reliving all of those memories might help me. Not cure things, but help. 

Even after last year, I just tried to suppress how I was feeling about my dad. I know I can't do that. I just miss him so much sometimes that I don't want to think about everything that happened to him.

It's hard to remember the moments that changed my life forever. 

But I know last night was supposed to happen. And I'm so grateful to Harry for being there.

He shuffles in his sleep and I lightly run my fingers through his curly brown locks, careful not to wake him up. I just watch as he breathes slowly, completely at peace. 

I know I create havoc constantly. I don't know how he puts up with me. But I'm grateful he does. Because now I get moments like these.

I turn my head slightly and look over at the clock. It's almost ten in the morning. I mentally curse at myself. We have to be downstairs soon because we have a flight early this afternoon to go home. 


I look down at Harry and how peaceful he is, and I know I don't want to wake him. I can find his room key and go to his room to pack his things for him. Lord knows I'm better at it anyway.

But the question is: how do I get up without waking him up?

I slowly lift his head off of my chest and awkwardly place it on the pillow next to me. He mumbles in his sleep and I feel a smile creep onto my face. So adorable. I then carefully peel his arms from my waist and try to place them beside his body. He wraps them around me again and I sigh, following the same routine as before. This time they stay put at his side and I mentally cheer. I slowly get up from the bed and creep over to my suitcase.

"Carolina?" I hear a very sleepy Harry speak behind me. "Why did you leave me?"

I look up and give him an empathetic smile. He rubs his eyes as he's now sat up in bed. He's still wearing his clothes from last night, which I told him multiple times he didn't have to do; he could sleep in the bed comfortably. But he argued it would make him more comfortable not to make me feel uncomfortable by him being half-naked in my bed.

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