What Makes You Beautiful

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Author's Note: I hope you guys liked the last chapter ;)). I did. Hehe. Anyway, I know it might seem like I'm jumping around time-wise a lot, but remember this story takes place over seven years, so I'm highlighting in those seven years the important parts of their relationship. It'll all work together, promise. Enjoy this chapter... I think this is one of my favorites :').


Seven months later...


Harry held up his promise.

Today I'm going to his second day of shooting for his very first music video. It's for their first song on the album, 'What Makes You Beautiful.'

I'm a little nervous to go, but there's excitement hiding in there as well. I like to think it's just waiting to make its appearance until I get there.

The past seven months have been so much fun. But different, too.

Harry started working with the band in January, as promised, and they have most if not all of their songs done for this album.

It's crazy to think that in pretty much a span of a year he's at this point.

He's been doing a lot of press and photoshoots, so he hasn't been home much. He's been traveling around the country and has been spending a considerable amount of time in the United States.

But he calls regularly. He's been much better about that, and I appreciate all of the effort he puts in to stay in touch with me. He doesn't have to, though. I understand how busy he is and I would never expect him to keep up with me as well. But he does anyway, and I appreciate every little call or text I get.

He says he's having the time of his life and I believe that to be true.

He did come home in February to celebrate our birthdays, which was fun. Debby made a cake and everything, and we celebrated with both of our families. Though it was a small gathering, it was nice to celebrate the both of us turning seventeen.

And yes, I got my license. It might be one year late, but it still counts.

And trust me, I've driven all over town blasting my Fleetwood Mac CDs for everyone to hear. What else has a girl got to do?

I also started uni this February. We just wrapped up in June, so I have the remainder of this summer off. Right now I'm an undeclared major. I'm really lost as to what I want to study or pursue in the future. Unlike Harry, much of my life seems unwritten. But I'm sure I'll find my passion soon enough.

I stopped working at the bakery too.

I tried to keep up with it at the beginning of uni, but it got tough as time progressed. I resigned in March. Debby was awfully sad about it, and definitely shed a few tears. I did too. I was sad to leave the bakery but I explained to her that with school and everything, my focus needed to be on my studies.

But I miss being there.

I miss waiting at the register and breaking change until I'd hear the chime of the door and see someone walk in. I miss Debby's bright smile when I'd walk in every Saturday morning and leave that night. I miss when her and I would have tea together during the lulls in the day. Most of all, I miss when Harry worked there with me and it felt like our own little world. I even miss that stupid banner.

Gosh, I miss it.

But being in uni has been fun. I've made a few friends here and there and gotten used to life away from Holmes Chapel. But I am glad to be home now.

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