You Don't Have to Say You Love Me

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Author's Note: This chapter. Man, I am so in love with this chapter. That's all I have to say about it.



A month later...

I think relief is the best way to describe that feeling. That thing that happens when you tell someone something you've been holding inside for so long.

That's the way I felt after we told our mums.

Pure and utter relief.

The amount of screaming and clapping and 'I have to tell Debby' that took place would blow your mind. It definitely blew mine.

But as Harry and I went to sleep that night in the bed we now share, relief was all I felt.

Because I was there with a boy for whom I had so many feelings. Finally there wasn't anything to hide. We were just us, and that was enough.

It's been a month since all of that.

Tour went incredibly well. We traveled and traveled. We saw places I could only ever dream of seeing. We went to more clubs and parties and gatherings. Photo shoots and recording sessions became the norm.

I followed along for all of it, as I always do. I've taken so many pictures that I've gone through several SD cards. They're filled with pictures of the guys on stage, of them goofing off when we have free time. 

All of them are memories I've come to love.

I don't know where this photography thing is taking me, but I've done a lot of research about creating portfolios, and I have a small folder of potential portfolio pictures on my laptop. It's filled with pictures from tour that I've edited with cool colors and effects. It's nothing special, by any means.

But maybe it could be something someday.

Regardless, we're almost halfway through February now. 

At the end of January we headed straight for a plane to go back home. Harry and I celebrated our birthdays at a party that was far larger than any other joint party we've ever had. 

We had family and friends, the rest of the band, crew members and management, and a whole bunch of people I never thought would be at a party celebrating the two of us. I don't think my mum thought her home would be filled with so many... well, celebrities. 

And they were all there to celebrate our eighteenth birthdays with us. Eighteenth.

It was kind of surreal.

It was also a little strange to be around my mum and Harry's family now that they know about us. They talked about it for a couple days but eventually seemed to get over the initial excitement of us being together.

In my mum's words: 'I always knew you two would get together.'

And I guess that's rather true.

But I never gave Harry his gift for his birthday. I can't quite tell you why, but I think it just never felt right when we were back home. I have it stored away in my purse, waiting for the perfect moment. Maybe that'll be while we're here.

Because right now I'm sat on a plane with Harry beside me as we head to LA.

We're going to be here for the rest of February to continue working on the next album. After that we're free to have the month of March to ourselves. I'm not really sure if Harry has anything planned for that or if we're going back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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