Before You Leave Me Today

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Author's Note: Cara's leaving California :'(. How do you think her story is going to progress with Harry? I'd love to know your thoughts. Also happy almost 1D day... crazy to think it's a little over one week until the reunion...



Today's my final day in California. I wish it wasn't.

I never thought I could love a place like I love Holmes Chapel but I've been proven wrong. The people here, the culture and the wildlife, make this place special. I understand why Harry loves it so much.

I just wish I could stay a little longer.

My flight is at five-thirty tonight, which means I need to be at the airport around two-thirty since it's an international flight.

I don't know what I had planned for today, but it definitely wasn't this.

Right now I'm sitting in Harry's car, the top down as it blows wind through my hair.

Yesterday was such an amazing day, and I know the memories of it will stay with me forever. Those moments were ones I've never had with Harry before. Now when I think of him and things I miss, I know I'll think of that day before anything else.

Harry officially did it. He topped my watermelon patch trip.

Last night he drove me home late in the evening. It was far later than I thought I'd be going home. He asked me if he could bring me to the studio today. Apparently most of the album is done and he wanted me to hear the songs.

I initially declined because it doesn't feel right to go into the studio when I have no place there. But he insisted that he wanted me to come and that all of the other guys would back his decision to have me there.

So I said yes.

I'm not sure why, but for some reason I wanted yesterday to last forever, and saying yes to today made it feel like that wish would come true.

So here I am, arm swinging through the wind as we drive down the freeway to the studio. Harry has his sunglasses on and he's blasting music, and I'm sitting here enjoying the breeze, trying to take in every last detail of this place.

I'm going to miss it.



She looks pretty today. Hell, she looks pretty every day.

Yesterday was unreal in so many ways. I've never spent time with her like I did yesterday. It meant a lot to me to be able to bring her into my world even if it was only for one day.

I begged her to come with me to the studio today. It's one of our last sessions as we begin to wrap up the album, and I so badly want her to be there and see us sing. It seems weird considering only a year ago I was so against her hearing me sing. Yet, here I am today, excited more than ever to have her with me.

I promised her I'd drive her to the airport too. She was worried about how she'd get there on time if she came out with me today. Well, obviously I'd drive her. There's nothing I love more than driving her around.

And now it's a done deal because her luggage is in my trunk.

We pull into the lot and I see Niall getting out of his car, walking up to the studio. I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt and stand up in the car.

"Niall!" I shout, waving at him. He turns around and smiles at me, walking toward the car.

"Hazza!" he smiles, coming up and fist bumping me. "And Cara," he smiles, noticing Cara and walking over to her side of the car.

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