Gets Into Parties Without Invitations

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Author's Note: Kind of in love with this chapter, not going to lie. Hope you guys like it too. Also, very sorry for my significantly slowed uploading schedule. As I've mentioned before, I just moved to college, and I've just now started classes too. This is a little more demanding of my time than a few weeks ago, so I've had to spend more time on that. I really only work on chapters when I have a little bit of down time here and there. Therefore, my uploading schedule has slowed quite a bit. Hopefully that is okay with all of you, and you are still enjoying the story.



Today is New Year's Eve and we're in Bournemouth, England to celebrate.

Harry and I spent much of the rest of the holiday break with our families. Though, we only had a few days with them before we had to leave for tour. I spent one of those days packing a bunch of clothes since we're going to be gone for a month before we have another break. 

We have one full month of touring, and then about a two month break where the guys will do some recording for their next album. Then they'll pretty much have a break from music altogether until they come back in April to finish the tour. 

Nonetheless, spending time with my mum and Grace these past few days was really nice. Even though it hadn't been very long since I'd seen them, it felt like it had been ages. I think that's because we were traveling so much, even if we did stay in England the whole time. 

So it was nice to get to spend some extra time with them and get away from the hectic schedule of tour that has quickly become my new normal. 

Though, I never did bring up what happened in the club to my mum. Or the fact that I'm with Harry. Both felt like things I wasn't ready to share with her yet. I'm hopeful with time that'll change.

Because he's right; she's one of the most important people in my life.

I left her and Grace behind for the second time today—this time might've been easier, likely because we're used to it—and took a flight with Harry to Bournemouth. The rest of the guys flew in, too, and we met up with them for a little bit. They don't have a show for another three days, but it seemed like it would be best for us to get here early and celebrate the new year with everyone.

So that's what we did.

Tonight we're going to some sort of exclusive party at a pier by the ocean. None of the guys have told me much, but I know Lou said she's going to be there for a short amount of time, and so are some of the other crew members and stylists. 

I've gotten to know all of them quite well, so I'm rather excited.

This time when I packed my two suit cases, I had Grace help me. Last time I did not account for items that could be worn as party clothes. That was my mistake. Thus, I felt it would be best for her to help me out a little bit and pick out some of my clothes.

She ended up lending me a good amount of her clothes, which was rather kind of her. Now I feel well-stocked for any event that may be thrown my way. And I'm sure one will. 

Now it's nearly the evening, and I'm in Lou's hotel room as we discuss the holiday break over some tea. I've actually missed talking to her a lot. It's kind of insane to me how close I feel to her after such a short period of time.

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