You've Got That One Thing

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Author's Note: I hope you all enjoyed the last chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! I thought it was so cute :)). Anyway, we're on to X Factor auditions, which means Harry's life goes up from here! I've got a little back and forth POV for you today so hopefully you enjoy :). I also felt it was necessary to include his full audition video- follow along if you want, I use the same dialogue! It was super hard to write this chapter because I had to follow along with the video (haha- this is the fastest Harry has ever talked, I swear.). Nevertheless, I'm super excited to continue writing this story. Thank you for all of your support and love, it means so much.



Obviously he's nervous.

I can tell by the way he hasn't talked much throughout the day. By the way he's been messing with the scarf he has around his neck. The fact that he only responds to us with one word answers or short phrases for a majority of the things we say to him.

He is nervous. Harry Styles is nervous.

I convinced my mum last night to let me go to Harry's audition today. I had originally planned to bring it up to her two weeks ago, but then she got caught up with the Ronald drama and I didn't want to bother her.

She said yes after some thorough convincing, much of which was me pleading with her that Harry needed me there. Though, if she wasn't going to let me go, I was going to sneak out somehow.

But I could only go on one condition: I needed to stay with his mom, Anne, the entire time. She didn't want me to get lost. As if I'm not nearly an adult who can handle herself. Ridiculous.

Regardless of the road block that is my mother, I'm here. Here and ready to support him.

He still hasn't told me what song he's planning to sing, and I have a feeling in the few hours we're waiting for his audition, he's not going to.

I sit beside him, his mum and his sister, Gemma, in the waiting area. Some of his other family and friends are here too.

I glance down at my obnoxious t-shirt and smile a little bit. When Harry's mum came to pick me up this morning, she tossed the shirt at me and told me to put it on. While I initially laughed at the ridiculous prospect of wearing a Harry Styles X Factor t-shirt, the look on her face told me it would be best if I just wore it.

I look away from my shirt and over to Harry, giving him a small smile. "Are you ready?" I ask.

He fiddles with his audition tag, which has the number 165998 on it. "Yeah, of course," he gives me an awkward smile and looks around the room.

I can tell he's nervous but he's trying to put up a front. Earlier he was interviewed for an audition tape, and while he's still anxious now, I know that helped him warm up to all of this.

"You're going to be great," I say, giving him a nudge on the shoulder and a wink.

He nods at me and smiles. "Thanks."

I know my words of encouragement probably don't help much, but it's true. He's a natural at this. He's going to be absolutely perfect at it, no doubt in my mind. But I also know how badly he wants this. Even if he doesn't say it, I know this is Harry's dream. I would feel so bad for him if it didn't work out.

Anne nudges my shoulder and leans into me. "He's just a bit nervous," she tells me.

I smile at her and laugh. "I know."

"Did he tell you I was the one who signed him up for this?" she questions, a proud grin displayed on her face.

"He did," I smile. She does a little shrug and grins. I fist bump her. "Nice work."

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