Even My Phone Misses Your Call

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Author's Note: I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while! About a week now! I still plan to update every couple days, I just got super busy this last week. I'm going off to college this fall, so I had to plan out classes (which is so, so difficult haha) and some stuff with my roommate. But again, I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a bit! Thank you for continuing to stick with me through this story. I hope you're enjoying it as much as I'm enjoying writing it. This chapter is a little bit of a filler chapter, but I hope you still like it. In not too long their story is going to really start taking off ;).


A few months later...


Harry is thriving on the X Factor.

Since his audition, he's been staying at the show doing different performances each week. And he's thriving.

While it sucks that I don't get to be there for him, Grace, my mom and I have loved getting to watch him perform on stage. He truly is such a natural and I couldn't be more proud of him and all that he's accomplished.

He's going to be such a star.

"Well, are we watching?" Grace asks as she slumps down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn.

Grace has a break from university right now, so I'm glad she can be here to watch him with me. Usually it's just me and my mum watching. It makes it more fun that I can spend time with her.

Grace and I aren't as close as we used to be, mostly because she's gone at university most of the year. It's hard for her to find times to call me or spend time with me like we usually like to. Though I'm proud of her and all that she's doing to further her education, it sucks sometimes because I miss getting to spend time with her. So I'm looking forward to tonight.

"We are," I smile at her, grabbing the remote and turning on the television.

She looks over at me and smiles, then squishes her eyebrows together. "Have you been talking to Harry?" she randomly asks.

"Um-" I pause, "yeah? Why?" I laugh a little bit.

"I don't know," she glances over at the television and pops a piece of popcorn in her mouth. "I just know you two are, like, inseparable. I guess I just want to make sure everything's okay now that you're separated."


To be honest, Harry and I haven't talked much.

He's on Week Eight of the X Factor with a group of four guys: Zayn, Niall, Liam, and Louis. Apparently Simon had the idea that it would be best to put them all together in a band. They've been doing that for a couple months now. So I haven't seem him in a long time.

Though I'm not sure if Harry was too keen on the idea of a band at the beginning, it seems like he really likes spending time with them and gets on with them quite well.

We do talk from time to time, though. He usually tells me about the band and how much fun he's having. I tell him how things are going at home. That's usually it. Aside from those once-every-other-week conversations, we don't talk much. He doesn't call much.

It's a bummer because throughout our lives we've never gone without talking. Since we were born, we've gone on family vacations, gone to school together, even spent holidays together. It just feels weird now that things are changing.

But I am happy for him. I truly am.

And I love watching him on the telly.

"I mean, yeah," I pause, looking at her. "Everything is fine. Why wouldn't it be?"

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