But You Ain't Really Good

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Author's Note: Wow the last chapter really put me in the feels. Hehe. Hope you guys like how the romance is progressing between H & C. I sure do. Regardless, I'm moving to college very soon, so I'm not completely sure how that'll affect my uploading schedule. I already have a few chapters pre-written, so that'll be easy for me to upload. But my uploads might slow a bit, since I'll have to focus on classes, and well, surviving lol. So please be patient with me as I navigate how I want to do all of that. A slight warning that this chapter may be a little upsetting to some readers. Please read at your own comfort level. Also remember that italics are flashbacks. This chapter was super hard to write. Let me know your thoughts on it. 



Harry and I have been dancing for what feels like hours. Okay, probably not hours. It's probably been one hour, max. But it feels like I've been here for hours, dancing freely. I've never felt more free than I do here with him. Besides the fact that I'm physically not free.

I'm physically trapped between hundreds of sweaty bodies. Minor details.

Since we started dancing, Niall and Zayn have joined us. Niall didn't surprise me so much, but Zayn? Well, who knew he liked to dance?

Niall dances spastically and Harry and Zayn laugh at him as they bop along to the music. I do the same, mostly watching all of them in their element. They're awfully fun.

And I'm awfully tired. Dancing wears me out.

"Hey, I think I'm going to go get some water," I tell Harry. He nods at me and gives me a smile.

"Want me to come with?" 

"No," I shake my head, trying to project my voice over the blaring club music. "I should be fine. I think Louis and Liam are still up there with our drinks."

"Okay," he nods. "Come get me if they're not, though. I don't want you to be alone."

I give him a nod and pull him close to me, giving him a kiss on the cheek. I make sure Niall and Zayn can't see as I do it. Luckily Zayn is preoccupied with Niall's 'rad' dance moves. Harry's face blushes as I pull away and start through the crowd. 

I push through the crowd as politely as possible, but that's nearly impossible. Sometimes you just have to plow through.

Once I reach the stairs it's a quick walk up. I peer over the stairs and see Louis and Liam sitting on the couches, just as they were an hour ago. They have water bottles on the table in front of them, as well all of those club sodas Niall mixed together. Gosh, that boy.

I walk up to them and give them a sweet smile and a wave as I grab a water bottle and sit on the couch. I open it and take several large swigs of it before I set it down on my lap.

"Having fun out there?" Liam smiles.

"Yes," I breathe heavily. "Just. A little. Sweaty."

He chuckles and nods, and Louis gives me a smile. "I knew you'd like it!" Louis shouts. "Just takes a little warming up."

"Fine, you were right, Louis. I like it." I roll my eyes.

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