Live While We're Young

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Author's Note: I know this update is a little late but I had some trouble figuring out how I wanted to format this chapter, and what I wanted to happen. Hope you guys had a great weekend! T-4 days until 1D reunion :).



"Cara, do you mind taking this down to Amelia?" Charlotte asks.

"Sure," I nod, grabbing the file folder from her and stepping out of the door into the hallway.

School started back up in early September, a month after I got home from California. I've been at uni for a couple weeks now and it's nice. I have a new roommate this year, Charlotte.

She's super nice, but we don't talk that much. She keeps to herself and I do as well. I'm fine with it because I have Grace.

Whenever I'm feeling lonely, I usually go to her flat, which is only fifteen minutes from campus. She just moved in this year.

I go there a lot.

I'm living in the residence halls this semester and then I'm moving into Grace's flat next term. I'm excited about it. I don't mind living on campus but I feel ready to move out.

But Charlotte's very nice.

I still haven't chosen a major and it's getting to the point where I have to pick one. I'm just not sure. I've considered maybe medical school a few times, and I go back and forth on whether I'd like to be a lawyer. I have the grades for it, but I'm just not sure if either of those are my path.

They don't really sound like me, do they?

It's tough when everyone around me seems to have their lives decided for them, and I'm still as unsure as ever.

I'm hoping one of my classes this semester will spark my interest and I'll find my passion. But I'm not sure about that.

I walk down the busy hall and weave my way through groups of people. There are girls talking outside of their rooms with their boyfriends. There are kids doing what I can only imagine is some sort of drug, which seems inappropriate given we are in a residence hall.

I walk towards the staircase and make my way down, the file folder in my right hand and my phone in my left. Amelia is one of Charlotte's classmates and she needs me to bring her a project they've been working on. I'm not entirely sure why she couldn't bring it to her herself, but I don't mind nonetheless.

I like getting out of our room every now and again. That's probably why I like going to Grace's so much.

My phone begins to ring and vibrate and I look down at it. Grace is calling.

What a lovely surprise.

"Hey," I say into the phone, stopping at the bottom of the stairs and sitting in the alcove behind them. "What's going on?"

"Hey," she replies. "Can you stop by for a few hours or so today?" she asks through the phone.

I look down at my watch and notice it's around one in the afternoon. "I have a class at four," I tell her.

"I can drive you back to campus," she reassures me.

"Okay," I agree, "I can make that work. Is something going on?" I ask.

"Cara," she whines, "why must there be something going on for me to want to see my sister?"

"Oh," I sigh. "I was just wondering."

"Well," she says, "I'll be there soon. Meet me at the front of the building?"

"Sure, see you then," I tell her as I hang up the phone.

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