33: The Washi Clan/A Terrible Teacher

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The floor had finally stopped moving, in front of them was a door which Junko opened. Behind it was a huge underground village. The houses were identical to the houses above the surface, but there were more people here.

"What is this?" Hiko asked Junko while following him down the street.

"This is the clan. With the help of a few Earthbender friends we had, we were able to build a village that could fit all the clan members."

"But why?"

"You see, the Red Lotus is still a very real threat to us. And now that we don't have a mole inside their organization since your Father died, we had to make it harder for them to find us. But we also didn't want to leave the original village."

"How strong are the Red Lotus right now?" Hiko asked Junko who smiled slightly.

"Sources tell me, they have been gathering recruits from all nations. We can only assume they have grown a lot, especially now that Zaheer's back in the picture."

"But what are they doing exactly?"

Junko stopped in front of a house, this time much bigger than Hiko's house.

"We have reason to believe they are going after the world leaders." Junko opened the door, the men who were following them now left, bowing to Junko. Jianjun, Hiko, and Junko enetered the house sitting on the couch as they did.

"It's good you have a friend with you Hiko. What's your name?" Junko looked at Jianjun who looked uncomfortable.

"Jianjun, sir. I'm also one of Yuan's sons." Jianjun bowed down at Junko who shook his head.

"No, none of Yuan's sons bow down to me." Junko gestured at the place beside Hiko, where Jianjun sat down.

"So, you've finally changed your mind Hiko. Why's that?"

"I want to help in anyway I can to take down the Red Lotus." Junko looked suspiciously at Hiko. "They're going after the Avatar and I have to help and I figured the best way I could is to help out the clan."

"You know the Avatar?"

"Yes, I taught her Lightningbending back in Republic City." Junko smiled widely at what Hiko said.

"You're definitely Yuan's son." Junko chuckled. "You're welcome to join us Hiko." Hiko nodded at him. "Will you be joining us too Jianjun?"

Jianjun looked at Junko then at Hiko, who nodded at him.

"What will we be doing exactly?"

"You'll both help us with missions, I trust you're both master in Lightningbending already, being Yuan's sons."

"Well, dad never taught me Lightningbending, I'm self-taught actually." Junko looked disappointed but he still smiled.

"That's fine, you don't have to Lightningbend to join our missions, but may I suggest you go to our dojo. Our best teachers will train you." Junko stood up. "Tea?"

Hiko and Jianjun walked back to the inn to get their things. Hiko, excited about the prospect of doing missions to take down the Red Lotus was very jumpy along the way. When they reached the inn, Hiko immediately started packing his luggage, in about five minutes he was already done.

They were walking back to the base when Jianjun spoke up.

"Hey Hiko, do you really want to go on these 'missions'? I mean they might be way too dangerous for you." Hiko continued walking, not looking at Jianjun.

"Yes I'm sure Jianjun, father would have loved for me to join these missions."

"Yeah but, you're too young." Jianjun's words slipped out, he knew they sounded bad. He prepared for Hiko to get mad but surprisingly he replied in a calm manner.

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