50: War Times

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"Once you seperate these energies, you do not conrol it, you are its humble guide." Yuan spook in a gentle voice as he guided Hiko's hands through the movements. Soon, streaks of Lightning was being produced by Little Hiko. He released it, making Yuan smile widely.

"Good Job son! Soon, you'll become a Lightningbending master like me!" Hiko hugged Yuan tightly around his legs.

"Did it work?" The spirit asked Yuan.

"Yes. Thank you." Yuan bowed to the great spirit.

"You know, I could have just given it to you."

"I don't want it."

"As you wish, but when he discovers it, he won't be the same ever again."

"What do you mean?" Yuan asked worried.

"Once he unlocks all his chakras which he's already more than halfway through, Lightning won't just be an element to him anymore. He'll be different."

"What are you talking about?! What do you mean different?" Yuan demanded.

"I assure you it will be nothing bad. He will be able to control Lightning to its fullest extent, something no other bender can ever do." The voice spoke gently.

"So, its done? When does it happen?" Yuan asked with a somber voice.

"Tomorrow. They'll come to your house after your mission. And once you're gone, I'll have part of your soul. Just like we agreed on."

"Thank you." Yuan turned around, ready to get back to the physical world to cherish his final moments.

"Yuan, you realize the boy will grow up without a father. I will humbly accept if you change your mind." Yuan paused and he thought about it. In fact, he had thought about it ever since he had made the deal with Washi.

"It is necessary and I know my son. I know him."  He sat down on the floor of the mountain ready to go back.

"Goodbye, Yuan."

"Damn it!" Hiko was thrown back by a fireball to his chest. His clothes were now singed, his sleeves were already gone and his pants had holes in them. He charged up, and threw Lightning at the men in front of him. All of which fell to the floor, unmoving. Hiko was already tired, the fight had been going on for way longer than he had expected. But, the Red Lotus' numbers were visibly dwindling. More and more of them were hitting the ground since Kaito had started using his Lightning.

"Hiko!" Yuri shouted, he looked to her direction as she pointed at the forest. There was Junko with a few men with him. He was walking smugly to the battlefield.

"That..." Hiko couldn't get the words out as he started bolting toward his uncle. As he ran, he was getting continously stopped by Firebenders and Earthbenders alike. Finally, one of the Earthbenders was able to catch Hiko and make him trip. He was surrounded. Junko stepped forward and smiled maliciously.

"I'll end this right now." Junko walked past Hiko, who's vision was getting blurry. "You three, get ready!" The three men behind him got into stance, pointing their fingertips at Junko. He watched as the two armies were fighting ferociously.

"Do it!" He shouted. The three men immediately shot Lightning at Junko who caught it with his fingertip. He struggled to redirect all of it. Hiko watched as his uncle was halfway through redirecting the massive amount of energy. When he finished, he fired it at the battlefield causing a huge explosion to bring casualties on both sides. Kaito was hit and was blasted back to the trenches.

Junko cackled as the troops dispersed. Hiko was blasted back and his limbs were immediately bound by the earthbenders with Junko.

"Let go of my nephew. I want him to fight for his life." The Earthbenders motioned downwards, removing Hiko's bind.

"You're going down." They were surrounded by the soldiers who were cheering on Junko. "Why would you do this! To your own people!"

"What have they done for me. Beside compare me to my special younger brother who you never truly knew!" He threw a Lightning bolt at Hiko which he redirected easily. They fought with Lightning as well as with their words. Junko insulting Hiko's father while Hiko questioned Junko's decisions. Hiko eventually used his wings which surprised Junko as he hit nothing when he was sure he was gonna hit Hiko. They kept fighting, Hiko already battered by the fight earlier while Junko was still fresh.

He kept laughing as Hiko was now struggling to even stand up.

"First I kill your father, and now I kill you." He threw a Lightning bolt with all his might directly at Hiko, who watched as it sped toward him.

"Lightning is always moving. It is fire in it's purest form. They say it is not controlled by emotions like Fire. But in truth, it is. Every element is. Every move you make, behind it is an emotion. Whether it be anger, spite, or even love."



"Why would you fight with Love? It makes you weak."

"Love is strong Hiko. You fight for love because its what gives our life meaning. All wars in our history are fought either because of lack of love or too much love. Either can be bad. You must have the right amount of love for a truly meaningful life."

"I don't understand."

"You will eventually, my son."

Hiko raised his arms and shot Lightning despite being more hurt than he had ever been in his life. The two bolts collided in the middle of the circle. The collision made the other benders around them drop to the floor. Hiko felt his energy get stronger the longer he held this bolt. Junko was getting worried, as yellow was beginning to overtake blue. Finally, it sped through Junko's Lightning and hit him directly. The shockwave explosion made Hiko fall off his feet.

Hiko watched as the remaining Red Lotus soldiers retreated, as everything went black.

The Lightning Bender | Book 1: ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now