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Fandom: Stranger ThingsPairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson! OCPrompt: "I'm tired of hiding this from our friends

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Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson! OC
Prompt: "I'm tired of hiding this from our friends."
Warnings: fluff
Word count: 2057


LOUISE HENDERSON was the sort of girl that every man and woman wanted but couldn't have. She was funny, intelligent and pretty - but she had what was referred to as the Henderson curse - she was obnoxiously sarcastic. More so than her little brother, Dustin. In fact, her sarcasm was most likely the reason why she couldn't keep long term relationships. The other person just got sick of her attitude, unable to tell if she was joking or not, so would end it off. Of course, it hurt Louise. Just because she was sarcastic doesn't mean she's heartless. But she'd cover the pain up with an attitude or with awful jokes, like a peeling bandaid, waiting to be removed.

She put up a good front but if you dare ask if Louise Henderson is okay, then you've got to be prepared for the flood of emotions coming your way. When her best friend, Robin Buckley, asked, Louise couldn't stop crying in the girls' toilets for the entirety of lunch. Looking back on it, Louise would be embarrassed to be so butthurt over some short semi-serious relationships, but it wasn't like she could help it. Here, Robin made a suggestion that would change Louise's life; 'why don't you just do flings for the meantime?'.

The blonde's reasoning was that if they were purposefully meaningless relationships, then Louise shouldn't get attached, therefore she wouldn't get hurt. And Robin was right. At the start, it was all going perfectly to plan. Louise simply hooked up with anybody she wanted to. It was a win-win situation; Louise never got hurt and the other person got to experience a small portion of what it would be like to be with Louise without all the sarcasm.

That was until the king himself, Steve Harrington, came into the equation.

Neither meant to hook up - it was never planned for them to end up making out in Louise's bed when her house was empty. It just happened. The first time was mid-October 1984, Steve was going over to the Henderson residence to pick up Dustin to take him to the movies. However, Dustin wasn't home - he was at Mike's house, like usual. Steve must've just forgotten one day.

When he knocked on the door and Louise opened it, he was a bit taken back. Sure he had seen and heard about her, but he had never really given her much notice until she was standing in the door frame of his best friend's house. She wasn't wearing anything close to pretty - a pair of hideous green shorts and a baggy Ghostbusters shirt. Her long curly hair was messily tied up in a ponytail and she had a cup of hot chocolate in her hand. If she had opened the door to anyone else, they would've thought she looked disgusting and unladylike. But Steve believed she looked perfect.

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