An Odd Pair

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I took a sharp intake of breath as I rolled my aching shoulders. Sitting in a hunched position for over two hours staring at the papers took a toll on me. My stubborn nature was going to lead me to an early grave if I wasn't careful staring at these thick books.

Tossing my head back to somehow relieve my muscles in some way I could already see I was one of the few people left. That's how its been for quite some time; I was always one of the earliest to arrive and the last to leave.

I didn't mind it though. After all, I had no real social life such that if I started living in my workplace I had no one blasting my phone.

"How have your eyes not popped out of your sockets yet?"

Looking up I found Rita smiling at me as she came to lean by the door frame. I hadn't spoken to her much. I was too drawn into my work to take the time to interact with anyone.

Although we were both working on Monica's case, given her experience I would report to her and ask for any guidance on any areas where doubt reigned free in my mind.

"What can I say, I'm strong?" I joked rubbing my temples as I placed my reading glasses onto my desk. She pursed her lips nodding her head as she moved further into the room.

"I understand, I was just like you when I started so I know what it feels like having to build your career from scratch but," she stressed taking a seat across from me," it doesn't hurt to go out and relax once in a while. A couple of us are heading out for drinks, you should come."

My eyes widened slightly as I nervously tucked a strand of curly hair out of my face. Mentally I attempted to recall the last time I had gone out with friends and had a nice time.

I caught her watching me, waiting to see if I'd accept her proposal.

I promised my mom I'd try.

It's just drinks, right?

But verbally saying it was different to doing it. Besides I had to ensure I finished the work I had set out for myself to finish.

Such that the moment my old self is about to step into the light, I'm quickly pulled back by the chains of fear and say," No thanks."


Filling the wine into my glass, I silently wish I wasn't spending this night alone. But I had made the choice to decline the offer to get to know my co-workers, to immerse myself in more work or get drunk whilst watching cartoons.

Tim would kill me for even being home on a Friday night.

Briefly glancing at the clock on my wall it was only a few minutes till ten o'clock.

No doubt by now Tim would have been at my door. Annoyed whilst fighting the urge to roll my eyes, I'd open it whilst being simultaneously pushed to the side as he barged into my home.

"Why the hell are you wearing pyjamas?"

"I'm starting to regret telling you where I live."

He'd turn around wearing a smirk, looking down at me given the advantage he had in being just above six feet. That was one thing I adored about him, he was always smiling revealing to the world the dimple on the left side of his cheek whilst I had one on the right.

"You can never keep shit from me. And besides you need me to add more colour into your life."

Sucking my teeth, I pushed past him tugging the shawl sitting on my shoulders tightly to my body," You're the reason my liver is going to have an early grave."

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