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I year later


The sparkling water appeared ethereal from the point where I stood on the rock. I felt entranced by the beauty all around me. Evergreen trees gracefully dancing along to the tune set by the gentle breeze that moved around me to ease the heat radiating from the sunshine.

This really was Heaven.

Closing my eyes I focused on the sound of the water cascading over the rocks calling me to dive head first into the waterfall until I felt strong arms wrap around my waist immediately causing a smile to break out at his deep voice in my ear," You're tempting me to get you pregnant right here, right now, love," he growled tightening his arms around me.

I turned around to find his dazzling smile directed towards me. I ran my hands along his bare chest, the same one where for the rest of my days I'd lay my head; I stood up on my toes and kissed his lips." Why do I feel like you and my mom have been on a mission to knock me up?" I tilted my head eyeing him suspiciously which resorted to him chuckling in amusement.

"Why else do you think I chose this place for our honeymoon?" he replied winking at me.

"Hmm. . . I'm starting to second guess marrying you," I pouted all in an attempt to push his buttons. His eyes widened at my statement and before I knew it he picked me up effortlessly throwing me over his shoulder.

"Ahh!" I shrieked only to have his hand land on my ass smacking it, making me stop struggling altogether caught off guard by the action.

"I knew you'd stop fighting me. You love it when I spank you, huh?" he chuckled lightly patting my backside again as he moved along the trail in the forest. I'm sure if anyone was to find us they'd look at us strangely with him carrying me like a sack whilst I crossed my arms pouting when I was enjoying this.

"I'm not stroking your ego," I replied only to have him place me back onto my feet wearing a smirk.

"Fine by me," he mumbled grasping my arms to pull me in only to whisper into my ear," as long as you stroke other parts of me later on tonight."

The blush crept in unexpectedly at the memory of the passionate nights spent.

He placed his hand against my cheek smiling gently at me. Upon impulse I rubbed my cheek gently against his hand relishing in the fact he always touched me randomly. Even back home it took a short time to adjust to having someone wanting to touch me so much. For within each touch was a hidden force set to reaffirm that the choice we made to be together was the right one.

And the idea of sharing this life with him made me thrilled for what the future had in store.


Light music played in the background as people mingled amongst themselves. My mother moved gracefully amongst the crowd smiling with glee. An evident glow seeping from her body and she had every right to be happy.

It was her birthday.

And not a day went by I didn't go without being thankful for her coming this far. In fact now that I thought about it, we've all come very far. Despite what was thrown at us, we were still here embracing all the good that came.

I quickly bit the inside of my cheeks to hold back the smile begging to make an appearance on my lips at seeing the manner in which my mother smiled as Uncle Logan whispered something in her ear. I had never seen her behave like that before and questions flew in my head at the way they were interacting.

They were acting like such teenagers.

"Is it just me or does your mom make the same face you make when you're all shy," Luis said coming to stand beside me wrapping his arm around me. I chuckled lightly accepting the mock cocktail he brought me giving him a quick peck on the lips and returned my attention back to the pair.

"Since when are they so cosy with each other?" I asked.

"Things have gotten pretty intense between them after you guys left for your honeymoon," Rita replied joining us.

"You're kidding," I switched my gaze to her in disbelief.

"I swear to you. Since you were gone, Uncle Logan decided to keep her company and needless to say-"

"They've been fucking," Luis murmured taking a sip of his drink.

"Luis," I smacked his chest lightly at his choice of words only to have him chuckle in response.

"What?" he asked smirking in my direction," they're probably planning to sneak off right now," he gestured to them. And sure enough given the way they were talking to themselves, whispering in each other's ear Luis' assumption seemed right.

"Guess you're never too old to get your freak on," Rita snickered and I nearly choked on my drink from wanting to laugh so badly.

It wasn't long before the day was overcome by the night and most would think the crowd would begin thinning out but the party was still in full swing.

Needing a second to myself I snuck away quietly and headed upstairs.

Entering his old space, it had now been turned into a guest room. And although I hadn't been in here in quite a long time, the idea of being home was no longer daunting nor was visiting him.

Taking a seat on the bed, I kicked off my heels groaning in relief at giving my feet a break and the soft mattress was already tempting me to lie down and take a quick nap. However, just as I was about to act on my thoughts Luis opened the door and once his eyes landed on me, he moved further into the room closing the door quietly behind him.

"You okay?" he asked taking a seat next to me.

"Yeah . . . just needed a break from the party."

"You're missing out. Aunt Jeane is drunk out of her mind right now."

I chuckled lightly leaning into his frame trying to picture what a drunk Aunt Jeane looked like.

"Speaking of which, I'm surprised no one picked up on the fact you weren't drinking."

"I could tell Monica was about to ask but once Nathan called her, her attention shifted," I smiled recalling how adorable they acted around each other. And I was proud of the fact she wasn't going to allow what happened to her, withhold her from gaining happiness.

Luis pulled me in closer going so far as to lift me up and place me on his lap. Wrapping my arms around him, his eyes moved all over my face until they all but landed on my belly. And it wasn't long before his hand followed the path which his eyes took and placed it gently on my belly igniting the flutters inside me to gush over his apparent excitement.

"So when should we tell them?" he asked rubbing my belly gently in a circular motion," Cause I don't think I have it in me to wait any longer, baby."

"Patience," I murmured running my fingers through his hair," just need to go to the doctor to at least get a second opinion." He groaned at my response closing his eyes leaning his head on my chest.

He could be so dramatic sometimes.

We stayed like that for quite some time, soaking the other in. And I couldn't help but think I wouldn't change this moment for anything. And once a particular song began to play unlike the usual anxiety and sadness I felt whenever I heard it, I smiled.

There were good days and bad ones where I was overcome with sadness especially with this new development occurring in our life. I knew he would have been an amazing uncle.

But he was with me.

He will always be with me.

"Don't go chasing waterfalls," he lightly sang looking up at me with a small smile immediately pushing away my dark thoughts. And I couldn't help but focus on him. And think back aimlessly to how it all began. The journey wasn't easy and yet I couldn't help but think as I looked at his pewter eyes. . .

I'm glad I chose us.


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