Chocolate Kisses

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I watched her for a few seconds in awe of her beauty. Even with the flour on her cheek she looked adorable mixing the chocolate batter. Aunt Jeane had, as usual invited us over and Tiana had decided to make a sweet treat for dessert.

I swear she was set on turning me into a serious sweet sycophant.

"You going to keep staring like some perv or going to help?" she inquired keeping her gaze trained on what she was doing.

"How'd you know I was here?"

That question made her brown orbs land on me; she smirked raking her eyes slowly over me. It took a lot out of me not to march across the kitchen and touch her such that I resorted to stuffing my hands into my pockets.

"I could hear the drool dripping down your chin."

"You give yourself too much credit, I'm only dying to taste the baked goods," I chuckled taking a seat on the kitchen stool. My eyes moved around the space, I had never been in the kitchen of the shop before such that I was surprised when Tiana said she'd be at her mom's shop.

"Does your mom know you're stealing her supplies?"

"I was too lazy to go to the store and besides . . . she doesn't mind," she replied smiling, she turned to place the cake batter into the oven. And in the process of bending over gave me an ample view of her ass triggering my mouth to salivate over the flesh that was more of a preamble to the juncture between her luscious thighs. Still bent over she peeked over at me wearing an all knowing grin," Still want to stick to your lie, baby," she murmured standing up.

She's such a tease.

"I'm not budging," I replied feigning mild interest, I turned away from her failing miserably to ignore how melodic her laugh sounded to my ears that elicited a smile to form on my own lips. It's not long before I felt her fingers at the nape of my neck. I closed my eyes focusing on the manner in which her fingers ran through my hair, massaging my scalp.

"How did the visit go?"

"Hmm. . ." I paused turning to look at her directly, I pulled her in between my legs resulting in her resting her arms around my shoulders," it was . . . something. Honestly I just want to move on from all this."

She nodded her head in understanding and lightly tapped my cheek chuckling in the process," What?" I asked tightening my hold on her waist.

''Just got some of the chocolate batter on you," she replied turning to retrieve a cloth. However, just before she placed it against my cheek her eyes widened slightly to reveal a smirk that had my interest peaked as she placed it back on the counter and leaned in to place her warm tongue on my skin. The action not only caught me by surprise but it was only natural that considering in my eyes she's my aphrodisiac. The tightening in my pants was a norm anytime she was around. Everything from her smile, to just her quirkiness set me off.

And I felt my breathing change its pace the more she licked that portion of skin, I groaned out closing my eyes in appreciation only to have her pull back with a mischievous glint in her eye and removed my arms from her waist." Let me clean this mess up," she said taking a few steps away from me.

My eyes snapped open at the loss of warmth and without much thought I stood up and advanced towards her profile. Her body stopped moving and I was thankful the counter was on my side to prohibit her from running away from me.

She started this.

"You don't ever," I paused running my hand across her cheek delicately only to trace her plump bottom lip," start shit like that and think you can just walk away."

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