Right To Utter

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I've dealt with many awkward scenarios. Found myself caught in uncompromising positions. But none of those circumstances I dealt with in my teen years could prepare me for waking up to find Tiana's mother standing before us looking at us both. Tiana's plush body was still on top of mine and her legs were settled on either side of me.

As much as I wanted to spend a longer period in this position with her, the look her mother was giving us had me sitting up. The fatigue immediately detached itself from my body. I felt like a deer caught in headlights. Tiana whined at my abrupt movements as she groggily muttered tightening her legs around me," You could just push me to the side without waking me." Despite the part of me that enjoyed the way her breath fanned my neck, I wasn't afforded the pleasure to seek more comfort in her warmth given her mother's piercing gaze on us.

I nudged her again, this time a bit harder, she groaned sitting up as she yawned rubbing her eyes," What's your problem?"

Note to self, she's not a morning person.

"Well, isn't this a surprise."

She jerked in surprise at her mother's piercing gaze and held the blanket close to her chest.

"Oh shit," she mumbled.

"Oh shit, indeed," her mother smirked, switching her gaze between the both of us. I resorted to staring at the ground whilst pinching myself in the hopes that I'd just wake up from this. Sadly to no avail, the fact that this was in fact a reality made me uncomfortable. If Tiana's mother managed to acquire the slightest bit of information about the thoughts I've had of her daughter, I don't think she'd be so welcoming like she'd been with me. Especially after I told her mother the truth.

"So, when did this happen?" she gestured between the both of us.

I looked in Tiana's direction to find her silently staring at the ground refusing to look at her mother. In as much as I wanted to pull her close and ease her discomfort I knew it wasn't the appropriate time.

This was way too awkward.

Standing up I decided it was best I hauled my ass out of here," I. . . I cleared my throat avoiding the amused look on her mother's face," think I should go."

"No need to act shy, Luis. May be if I had found you both naked then-"

"Oh god- mom!" Tiana whined burying her face into the blankets.

"What?" she replied shrugging carelessly, no doubt her mother seemed to be enjoying this. Which was a good sign.


"Well, I'll be on my way now," I chuckled nervously picking up my shoes and my bag ensuring that Tim's manuscript was tucked away safely. When she had fallen asleep, I knew it wasn't right to take it but I knew that for as long I was with her in this apartment I wouldn't have a moment to read it. And I couldn't explain it but something inside me was pushing to read it since the day I saw it.

So I decided to borrow it. Honestly I was going to give it back.

Despite a voice criticizing how I failed to think the plan through thoroughly.

But it was too late now, I was in too deep in my desire to learn more about him that it surpassed logic and I had stuffed it away in my bag.

Moving at a quick pace towards the door I felt antsy at the two pairs of eyes watching me. When the door shut behind me I couldn't help but collapse against it releasing a sigh of relief whilst a smile settled comfortably on my face at the humour behind the situation.

Knowing if I could relive last night and deal with that moment again, I probably would a million times over. Just to hold her in my arms.

To know what it felt like to hold heaven.


A few days later

"I was convinced you were getting cold feet about this book," Gerald chuckled staring at me. I chuckled lightly my eyes sweeping around the immaculate office. The first time I had walked through those doors a few years ago, I had been in awe of the decadence in the room knowing that I had finally made it in my dream to get published.

"Nah. . . Just been occupied with a few things," I murmured knowing if I unveiled any more detail about my personal life, Gerald would be on my case.

He nodded his head in understanding," I have to admit this book is a lot more different than your last one."

"What do you mean?"

"I've always considered you a bit of a prude, but the scenes in here are admittedly a lot more graphic," he chuckled lightly giving me an odd look. And he had every right to be suspicious at the change in my writing. I knew that most of the scenes between the characters as of late had been manifestations of the fantasies I had of her.

But as much as I would mentally love to delve deeper into all the things that made her gorgeous in my eyes another thought had been occupying my mind as well. As of late I had been reading Tim's work.

And to say I was impressed would be putting it lightly . . . the book had a raw and authentic touch to it. I found myself reading some of the poems a few times to the point I was willing to memorize them till they became like scripture to me. I hadn't finished it but I already loved it.

And sitting here in Gerald's office, an odd thought entered my mind and I knew that it was only right.

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