Pillow Talk

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Mouth gaping in shock at what was revealed. It was hard knowing the tender wound once in the process of healing had just gotten burned from his acidic words.

"But t-that's not- that's NOT TRUE!" I screamed fighting against the restraints to free me and bless me with the chance to wrap my hands around his neck.

He shrugged nonchalantly, remaining indifferent to the rise on my voice," Throw a temper tantrum all you like. But the fucker isn't as innocent and sweet as you think," he laughed cynically moving forward reaching out, I moved my head back in disgust at his audacity to touch me but I had only so much room to avoid him as he tucked the curl out of my face.

"Why else would he waste his time being around you?" he continued digging further to reach my sudden doubt at all the times he insisted on being around me," he was around on the night. . . I forget is his name Tom or- you know what that shit isn't important. What's important here," he paused wiping the tears on my cheek with the pad of his thumb," is that he only bothered talking to you cause he pitied you."

I was too far gone in my thoughts to care for what else he said. Once he let go of my face my head hung low no longer able to face him.

Why didn't Luis tell me the truth?

Why had he remained silent all this time?

"I admit. . . I'll never understand why he and his mother cut off all ties with their own blood."

"I have nothing to do with any of this- please let me go. I'll give them some false info-"

"You aren't going anywhere, little T," he taunted," not until he pays me what he owes us."


Staring blankly at the wall, I refused to allow my mind to think on anything particular. When I tried to think about my best memories it only made me want to cry at the possibility that my life could end this way.

But given how dark it already was outside I breathed a little easier knowing he was most probably asleep.

However, I doubt the Devil rested.

But I felt my heart sink when he entered into the room barefoot wearing nothing but pyjama bottoms.

Just breathe.

I always tell that to myself whenever I was scared and in this situation it was no different, it only grew worse when he picked me up off the chair throwing my body like a sack over his frame. If it hadn't been for the duct tape over my mouth- a punishment for screaming my lungs out for help a few hours back, I certainly would have yelled. And no matter how much I struggled against him, my tied arms and legs made me unable to do anything. He moved up the stairs, the floor creaking with each step he took and it's not long before my body fell onto a mattress.

The cold sheets did nothing to calm me and I looked away in terror as the bed dipped from his weight. He only yanked me back roughly when I tried to roll away from him. His large arm landed around my waist gripping me tightly to elicit a twinge of pain and discomfort as he lied on his stomach staring at me.

The second he winked at me, I cringed in disgust.

How could anybody gain pleasure from this?

I closed my eyes not willing to allow the tears to fall and it would have worked. Had it not been for his hand settling on my stomach causing my eyes to involuntarily fly open to find him wearing an unreadable expression," I often wondered what it would have been like to fuck you that night," he whispered moving his hand slightly up my stomach.




My body shook as more horrid images filled my head at what was about to happen.

"I apologize for what I said earlier. Though I generally feel contempt for people like you. . . I understand why Luis would bother touching you," he shifted forward till his breath hit the side of my face whilst his fingers moved in circles around the fabric of my blouse." Though your kind typically don't attract me, you," he licked his lips, an action that only made me cower away," are an exception."

His hand moved upwards landing on my breast and the tears cascaded freely over my newly tainted skin. Feeling the burn behind his touch knowing his intention was to poison the garden inside me that once bloomed.

I held my breath.

Doing my best to hold back another sob at the way he groped and squeezed each breast but despite how I felt he didn't care as he continued his assault," There's a gratification in knowing you can affect someone so much. It's almost quite addictive seeing one's body writhe and contort to cope to what's happening to it."

Sadistic bastard.

He moved his hand to cup the side of my face forcing me to turn and look at him, his eyes moved over my face analysing every twitch whilst I was doing everything in my power to convince myself that this wasn't real," Your body is so plush and soft. . ." he growled switching his gaze to the duct tape over my mouth. He stared at it longer than usual before biting his bottom lip," I'm almost tempted to remove it and taste you."

And I suddenly felt sick to my stomach," Or would you prefer I fuck you like this. Tied up, quiet and submissive. Looking like the role you were always intended for, his smile widened to one of malice as he said the words," a slave. . ."

I think I'd much rather die than to ever allow anyone to deem me as such.

I had already cried in front of him, but I'd be damned if I gave him the satisfaction of seeing me break internally over such a title no one deserved.

"In the hate . . . we will prosper, never forget that," he traced my nose gently before closing his eyes and lying on his back.

And the sad part was, no matter how much I would try fight with myself to forget it- I couldn't.

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