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The broken mirror situated against the wall was the first thing I registered once my vision cleared. The dirty naked walls showed proof of once being white or at least beige and now due to being neglected led to their poor state. Taking a closer look at the mirror in front of me, the dried up blood on my nose and dishevelled clothes were only a glimpse into how I felt.

And I felt terrible.

It was hard to tell how long I had been in this chair and when I made a move to stand, I realized my legs and arms were tied to it leaving me immobile.

At first I was confused as to how I ended here until like a flash flood the memory of what happened smacked me in the face causing me to panic. I was in the hands of a lunatic who seemed set on hurting me in order to hurt Luis.

There are no words to describe how one feels when caught in a position like this except the unwavering fear that had its arms wound around my neck. Parts of my body ached and no matter how hard I tugged on the rope it dug deeper into my skin and at some point I winced in pain at the burn and the duct tape on my mouth made it impossible to scream for help.

But I had to get out of here-

"I see you're finally up."

I jumped in my seat and found him sauntering to stand in front of me. I would have lunged for him, hurt him in any way I could for doing this. And I'm sure my intentions showed on my face given the way his lips lifted to a small grin.

"You want to hurt me," he taunted leaning forward till his face was inches from mine wearing a sick grin," I can feel your hate for me disrupting your life- I bet you're wondering why I'm terrorizing you," he removed the tape from my mouth and I bit my tongue despite wanting to wince at the pain.

"Please j-just let me-"

"Go," he chuckled standing back to his full height rubbing his chin in thought." I'll admit. . . I'm a bit offended you don't remember me."


His smile widened at the look of confusion I gave him but that look of uncertainty and confusion cleared the minute he bent down to whisper in my ear," I guess that night I drugged you didn't make much of an impact, huh?"

And I froze, just when I thought my body had no more energy to produce any more moisture I nearly choked on a sob at the traumatic night I was almost raped. That was the night I almost lost a part of myself due to the unfortunate burden that came with what was between my legs.

"I'm surprised it's taken you this long to recognize me. Guess I am a bit forgettable," he frowned looking down at me.

"Why are you doing this? I've never done anything to you."

"On the contrary, just your existence alone brings more degradation to the very essence of humanity," he sneered," but lucky for you, I prefer to hurt Luis more for thinking he could disown us and worse," he paused reaching out to yank my hair roughly making me yelp in pain at the action as he spat in venom," fuck a thing like you."

"P-Please. . ." I whimpered shaking in the seat begging for this to end as he let me go and rubbed his hand against his jeans in disgust," just let me go."

But my words fell on deaf ears as he placed the duct tape back on my mouth and turned without sparing another look in my direction to leave me once again to deal with the silence. And I had felt the harshness in what he said. I had felt each word that rolled off his tongue hit me like a tonne of bricks and the small hope that I may have had inside me diminished.

And the walls watched on in silence as I broke down in my seat.

Watched on the broken wishes I had fall off me, for suffering over this burden of my skin to lead me into this monster's hands.

It was a tragedy to see we still had a long way to go in erasing the prejudice blinding some people's eyes. And maybe what made this worse for a second was that I may have been just like him in a way with how I viewed the world. As I continued to sink further in pain I hoped in some way someone out there would help me.

That this Hell would end.

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