A Friend

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It was enough of an encumbrance being black, a target on your back over something you couldn't control but the world we live in placed a burden on many to ask the stars just why we were made with melanin coating ones' skin. The other added on pressure strong enough to crack my bones was being a woman. History had proven how much of a liability the juncture between our thighs was in attracting the wicked.

And yet I always strove to be positive, to squint my eyes past the dark clouds in the hopes I'd catch a glimpse of the light.

In this case, my client was another victim of sexual assault.

I pitied my client, Monica Summers, a sweet woman, caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Meeting her had been a surreal experience; it was one thing to hear about victims of rape and a whole other to meet one.

Tim had once told me about what happened to Nathan's sister. She was sexually abused by her past lover. Unfortunately, because no one believed her, she found solace in the arms of suicide.

I didn't want the same fate for Monica- or any other person for that matter who was convinced silence was best. When she came in to vocalize her anguish to me that was a true sign of strength.

Many people who've been abused have gone for years without verbally stating their trauma, a sad reality. Keeping that thought at the forefront of my head made spending late nights over the case worth it; I couldn't help but look forward to placing the individual behind bars. I had made a promise that I would do that for her after she relayed the eerie details of that night through tear stained eyes.

She deserved some light beyond the dark clouds.

"Hey, new girl," perking up I catch Rita's eyes on me.

"I know you declined my initial offer the last time but its not too late for you to join us tonight. We're heading off to a local bar that's quite close from here," she said. I felt terrible; she really had been making an effort to befriend me. And always set time out of her schedule to guide me through some aspects of the case.

The least I could do was reciprocate just for one night and I knew I was more than ready for the next court appearance. And beyond that, continuing to detach myself from making possible relationships with people was not an ideal strategy if I ever wanted to be happy.

Just as I was about to accept her invitation- another face appeared halting me from saying anything upon recognizing my mother's new friend waltzing into the office to stand idly beside Rita.

"Hey Rita, you ready to go?" the man asked leaning against the doorframe.

"Just a sec, Luis," she replied briefly glancing in his direction," so Tiana, you up for it?" she asked returning her eyes on me ignoring my gaping mouth, shocked that they knew each other.

Is there anyone this guy doesn't know?

Snapping my mouth shut, he glanced in my direction. From the way his eyes widened I knew he remembered me and seeing the way he quickly pushed himself off the door to support his body weight whilst averting eye contact had me biting my lower lip to refrain from smirking at the knowledge I made him nervous.


Sensing the man's odd behaviour and my silence, Rita filled the space of silence in the room by giving brief introductions," This is Luis, my-" she paused momentarily when he shot her an unreadable look, which she seemed to decipher," good friend. And Luis this is one of our new attorneys, Tiana."

He waved stiffly in my direction remaining silent whilst I nodded my head to at least acknowledge his presence.

"So. . .?" she stressed doing her best to ignore the uncomfortable moment. Glancing in his direction, the thought of going out for drinks suddenly didn't sit well with me. Truthfully speaking I had vowed to avoid interacting with him. Something about him just had me cautious to be around him such that I looked at Rita who was already watching me expectantly and replied, though I wanted to say otherwise. With another," No thanks. I still have a little more work to do."

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