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5 Years Later...

A girl with strawberry blond hair ran through the back garden an estate belong to the Kirishima-Bakugou Residents. The girl looked to be about 6 years old. Following behind her was another girl who had long black hair with red streaks, she was probably around the age of 10. The girls played in the garden giggling and chasing each other before voice called out.

"Sage! Celestian!, Akio is going to be here in a few minutes, why don't you two go and get changed" The girls followed the instructions given to them by their Dad and went upstairs to their room so they can get changed.

The Girls' dad, Eijiro Was finishing making supper which was Tonkatsu. Eijiro hadn't changed a lot in the last 4 years. Though he still got dysphoria sometime, he had been very confident in himself.

As Eijiro set the food on the table, A ringing noise came from the doorbell. He stopped what he was doing and walked to the front door.

The door was opened to Mina, Himiko, and their son Akio. Mina and Himiko got married 3 years ago and Summoned Akio 2 year ago.

"Celestian!" Akio yelled as he ran straight passed Eijiro to Celestian who happened to be standing behind him. Eijiro greeted Himiko and Mina then went back to setting out the food.

While Eijiro was setting up for supper he was reminded of what happened The past few years.
How Mina and Himiko, after going public about their relationship, made it widely known about astral children all over the world.
How Hitoshi Was now going to be working at UA in the next year, in place of Aizawa
Eijiro still couldn't fathom how Hitoshi and Denki had been hiding that they where engaged until He had gotten an invitation to the wedding
How his husband was literally the number 2 hero in the world, not to mention himself who was number 9
How one of their old classmates, Uraraka Ochako, was now actually one of the few lgbt+ Icons Worldwide
And it didn't stop there there was so much more to reminisce about. He loved how his life was at present, and there was nothing that could change that.

Later in the night the rest of their squad had arrived. Sadly Katsuki couldn't Joing them because he had Patrol, but it was fine since all of them practically hung out every other day since they all lived in the same neighborhood.

This is how life was now. Eijiro literally had the man of his dreams and the best friends anyone could ever hope for.
He loved his life.

OK that was long!! But I'm done I will be posting one more thing in this book before marking it as completed which is some last minute stuff and stuff about new books and working progresses.

Well that is all for now my lil wolf pups Cya!♥️

Wanting To Be ManlyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora