🧁🌟🧁🌟🧁Part 19🧁🌟🧁🌟

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"Morning lectures are certainly the worst. No caps!" I admitted as I settled down into my seat.
"Hey bestie!" I heard Adam cheerfully mentioned.

"Adamu,what's up?"

"Stop calling me that" he Said earnestly, "Anyway, I am fine".

"Hey, why are you sitting beside me? Go sit somewhere else joor".

"Sannu (well-done) because you are the owner of the chair right" He teased. "Zama kusa da k, yanzu na fara( sitting down with you, I just started it)".

I couldn't resist the urge to hiss.
"So,guess what?" I said, my voice sounding happy.

"That you love me and going to be my gf?" He joked.

"What?!Hell no...not that,I am going to meet up with Fahad today".

"Oh okay...I am coming along, I want to get to know this Fahad guy more".

"Kill me!" I laughed. "You of all peeps".

Khadija is such a nice girl! I can still vividly remember when I met her back in 100level.
Time for a drive to memory lane.
I went to buy a drink when I met this beautiful girl on hijab having what I call a "BRF" Bitch resting face. It didn't look like she was smiling or was frowning either.
I really wanted to talk to her but couldn't.
I guess I was being shy and all.

"Bani coke" I told the salesman.

"Bani Fanta" I heard her voice. It was really tranquilizing and quite sweet-toned too.

"Ga kudin (take your money)" she stretched out her hand to give her money.

"Take mine" I also stretched my hand to give mine.
"Kai gaskiya, I don't have change". How about I give you guys this 500naira. "You can go and look for change." The salesman mentioned.

"Ok toh" she said collecting the money from him.
I was really happy that day. Finally, I have gotten the chance to talk to her.

"So am to give you 450 and am to take 50naira". She said softly.

"You know what? Just forget it"

"Uhm excuse you! But no can't do. We have to go look for it together" She uttered.

"But..." I hesitated.

"But nothing. Let's go!"

"Woah!" Was all my subconscious mind could utter. I am going to get along with her just fine.
Little did I know we were going to turn into best friends.
End of memory lane

Now I think I am falling in love with my best friend. Confessing isn't going to be the right thing to do. I cant stand getting rejected
Worst still, is about what had happened.
What had happened between me and her sister,Ikram.

"Seems like you dumb dumb is thinking" I noticed how Adam was quiet all of a sudden. "So, spill the tea. What are you thinking about?"

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