Chapter 4: A Games

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Devonté has been calling since the day he took Cease with him. I have not answered, not once.

I feel like he needs to stop worrying about me and start being a father to my child before we leave his ass.

So when he came banging on my door, I muted my TV and sat my ass on my couch.

When I woke up this morning, I still felt a little sick so I decided to soak in a bath.

It's extremely early in the morning but I'm enjoying the quietness. This morning I don't have to cook for Cease or argue with Devonté.

After relaxing for only ten minutes, someone knocked on my door. I tried to ignore it but I know it wasn't Devonté.

I climbed out of the tub and grabbed my towel. Then I went and opened the door to see some chick carrying my sleeping son.

"Give me him!" I said, pulling him out of her arms. "How did you get him? Where's Devonté?"

The girl took a deep breath. "He sent me to pick him up. Caesar is in jail."

"Why would he send you? Who are you? Where was my son at?" I was getting annoyed.

"Look, my brother is in jail. I would love for him to call you and explain because I don't know shit. Shit, I didn't even know he moved back."

I shook my head as I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. "Are you Nicki?" She nodded. "Does he need to be bailed out?"

She shook her head no. "He told me what to do."

Why would he call her and not me? I'm his ride or die. But instead he included his sibling in this shit.

That's fine...I suppose. "Thank you for bringing him home." She nodded and then walked away.

I closed the door and then went to lay Cease down in my bed. I pulled his shoes off and sat them on the floor.

All this is stressing me out. I can't take this shit no more.

I threw on a jogging suit and called it a day. I really need to get my hair done but I never have the time.

When I was washing the dishes someone else knocked on my door. I opened it and it was two random dudes.

"Khadijah, right?" The tall, dark skinned one said.

"It depend on who I'm talking to." I replied with an attitude.

"I'm Slick and that's Nate. Malik sent us." Malik did text me about sending them over here.

Plus, I know Slick is Devonté's older brother and he has a twin named Spade.

I sighed. "C'mon." I said, stepping aside and holding the door open for them to walk in.

They talked amongst each other before sitting down on the couch. "So, what's the problem?" I asked as I closed the door.

"No problem. We just need you to do something." I waited for him to keep going. "It's this nigga named A--"

I cut his ass off. "A? What type of games you playing?"

The dread head one laughed. "Ain't no game, baby. We need you to do a pick up for us."

"Me?" I pointed to myself in confusion.

Slick nodded his head. "Yup. At 4:16 pm on the dot. On this phone," he pulled out a burner phone, "you're gonna get a call."

I swallowed and sat down on the love sofa alone.

"If you miss the call, they won't call back, and it's gonna be private so you can't call back. Then you have a problem with Malik." Slick continued.

"During the call they're gonna give you an address and instructions. Just follow them and shit will go smoothly."

"After you're done there, you're gonna go to this address," he passed me a paper, "exchange, and then call us."

"And all of this is today?" Slick nodded. I rolled my eyes. What am I gonna do with Cease? "Ok."

They both stood up and I went to walk them out.

God, I hate I'm doing this shit.

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