Chapter 13:: Premeditated Part 1

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This morning somebody gave me some news I just wasn't for hearing. But I ignored it for a couple of hours so that I can handle my business.

When I got in my car I heard the clicking of a gun. I clenched my teeth. "Is you gone shoot or what?"

"You got beef wit' me, nigga?" The voice sounded real familiar and I had to think on it.

"Avery." Honestly I caught a glimpse of him in my rearview. "I thought you were rat food!" I joked.

He cut his eyes. "Yo ass liked that shit, didn't you?" This nigga thinks I had something to do with his failed murder.

"I can't benefit from killing you. Plus, if it was me, I would've been the one holding the shank."

"Who did it then?" Avery asked me like I'm really gone snitch. Even though him and Malik's war gone end with somebody dying. If he plays it right, it could be Malik in a body bag.

I shrugged. "But once you find out lemme know."

Avery without a word climbed out of my car and I slowly pulled off.

Hoody or Leslie, called me earlier to meet him at this bar. His family's murder has been the biggest news on the streets.

Now this nigga scared some random person is after him. When I walked in Hoody was sitting at the bar, taking down shots like it was water.

I sat down on the bar stool next to him. "What's good?"

Hoody ass looks all depressed and lonely. Who could've been expecting that?

"Man, who would do some shit like that? My family gone, nigga! My wife, my boys, my baby girl, they all gone."
I shook my head and sighed. Just tryna play the part. "I know. I'm sorry to hear that. Do you got any enemies?"

"Nah, Memphis. But I'm living inna man eat man life. It could've been anybody, ya know."

"Yeah I know. And I know that right now you lacking hard as fuck. You ain't in the right mindset to be sitting at this damn bar." I preached.

"What's up man? What you drinking today?" The bartender asked me.

I shook my head. "I'm good."

"What you think I should do?"

"Take time for yourself. I got this shit." I said. Everything is too perfect. I could smell the victory.

These mu'fuckas living large while the rest of us starving! My pockets hungry. So, I'm doing what I got to do for my family.

Imma get us out of these fucked up apartments and move us into one of those million dollar homes that people like Malik and Hoody lives in.

The only way I know how is by under minding these dumb fucks. Popping Hoody and Malik would put me and my connects right on the map.

"I want you second in command, ya feel me. You know what you doing and I could trust you more than I could trust those other niggas. Know what I mean?"

I nodded as I looked at the time on my phone. "Yeah. I feel you but Imma catch you later, a'ight? I got shit to handle."

Hoody gave me dap and I walked outta there. Now, I just gotta make sure punk ass Travis is keeping quiet.

I rolled over to Khadijah's house.

The door was unlocked and I just walked in. The entire house was dark as shit. I found Khadijah crazy ass sitting in the hallway.

She has totally lost her damn mind. Shit, Imma get her ass locked up to talk to a damn psychiatrist before she kills her damn self.

"What's wrong wit' you?" I tried to help her up but she kept pushing all her weight back down. "Aye lemme take you to the doctor so you can get yo head checked out."

"Devonté, there is absolutely nothing wrong wit' me!" She snapped through light sobs. "And if it was it's because you made me this way!"

"Are you fuckin' that nigga you were out wit' last night?"


I lifted her ass up and pinned her against the wall. "Bitch, are you fuckin' him?"

"Who is him?" I smacked her ass back to the floor. My phone started ringing and it was Rocsi. "Answer it! Is it the red head bitch?"

I declined the call. Khadijah pushed herself off the floor and looked at me. My phone started ringing again but so did hers.

So, while I was too busy searching for her phone, she snatched mine and locked herself in her bedroom.

When I busted down the door, my phone flew pass my face and hit the wall.

Khadijah stared at me with her chest heaving up and down.


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