Chapter 17:: Root Of All Evil

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Khadijah just dipped out on a nigga. No note, no nothing. Just took Cease and rolled out leaving everything else behind.

I climbed out of bed to find her. The first place I went was to Coco's and I already know how this is about to go.

Coco opened the door and looked at me in disgust. "What?"

"Have you heard from Khadijah?" I asked her.

Coco shook her head. "What, did you kill her yet?"

"Why you gotta be so negative? No. She left."

"She what???! I didn't think she had it in her. If you came here to see if she's here, no. And if She was I wouldn't tell you."

"Bitch, fuck you." I mugged before I walked away.

"In yo muthafuckin' dreams." She yelled before I heard her slam her door.

I'm so fucking pissed right now. Khadijah left with my son and changed her number.

As I lit up my blunt, I pulled out my phone and gazed through the many text messages I received from Geneva over the past five hours.

This bitch about to piss me off more than I'm already pissed.

When I pulled off, I was heading towards Rocsi's place but I ended up seeing a friend of mine standing outside a liquor store, telling a story to hell of niggas.

My eye started twitching and I started to get this itch in my finger. I parked the car across the street from the liquor store and watched him even closer.

Travis continued telling his part of the story very dramatically like he was calling the shots and wasn't bitch made.

If that nigga grew balls it was because of me. I never get credit for shit I create.

I created Travis. I created Khadijah. I created Chavo and that bitch nigga shot me.

And every single one of them niggas lost they goddamn mind. I hate having to prove myself but trust that I will.

Just so happened that Travis is the only one in proximity to me. So, he's lucky enough to go first.

I grabbed my gun and walked across the street.

Travis was oblivious to the fact that I was walking up on him but I know he knows I'm packing.

I walked over to the guys and stood there to hear his story.

"And you did all this by yo'self?" One of these random niggas said.

"Hell yeah. I 'on't fuck wit' too many niggas. They slow you down." Travis claimed.

"You right. You right." Another dude said giving Travis dap in agreement. "How you know he ain't gone retaliate?"

Travis chuckled. "Hoody a bitch. Plus, I got homies looking out fo' me. I'm so fucking untouchable."

I chuckled and threw my hood up over my face.

"Ayo, Travis!" I called out while walking through the crowd. "Yo shoes too big." I blazed two into his chest.

He fell down on the sidewalk and started gagging on his own blood. The other niggas scattered about in different directions.

I stood over him and looked him eye to eye. "You weren't ready fo' the big leagues. You should've stayed in yo lane, partna."

I shot him one more time in the face this time and then ran off.


I laid low for about two weeks before returning back to Chicago. Things were still fucked up around here.

Word had gotten out that I popped Travis because he killed Hoody's family so Hoody definitely tryna keep me on his team.

Geneva on the other hand ain't to happy about my decisions. So, that's exactly where I'm headed to.

Geneva's spoiled ass lives in a damn six bedroom, five and a half bathroom mansion because her dad left her everything.

I rung her doorbell and waited for her to open the door. She came not to soon after.

In my year of knowing Geneva, she ain't ever look as brittle and depressed as she does now.

"Memphis, you are such an dumbass!" Geneva yelled while letting me into her house.

"Before you get to tripping. Travis planned on killing you and Hoody for murdering his mother."

Geneva stared at me but I could tell she was in deep thought. "That bitch killed my father."

I shrugged. "It's a man eats man world out'chere."

"Fuck that. I offered you 10 g's just to kill one person and you did the exact opposite."

"If you want him dead that bad, why won't you do it?"

"Because!" She yelled but that just triggered an constant battle between coughing and attempting to say something.

"Damn, is you okay?" I asked while trying to help her out.

She pushed me back. "Don't fuckin--" The coughing took over once again but this time she was coughing up blood.

"You just don't get it!" She continued. "He did this to me!"

"What?" I asked.

Geneva walked off but I'm not sure where to. Then out of nowhere I heard a gun go off.

If I was in my right frame of mind, I would go check on her but I'm not tryna play the hero.

I prefer the broad to be dead. She ain't shit to me.

As I was walking out the house, I called Hoody. He answered sounding like he sleep or some shit.

"Did you handle it?" Hoody asked.

"Yup. All I need is the cash and we good." I said getting straight to the point.

Hoody started coughing into the earpiece. "We'll be good as soon as I get out the hospital."

"Why did you want her dead?" I asked. It's weird that they both just Mr and Mrs Smith each other.

It was nothing personal for me. Hoody just offered the most cash. 50 g's for both Travis and Geneva gone.

Even though, I didn't kill Geneva, I still plan on collecting what's mine.

I'm closer to getting exactly what it is I want. And ain't shit nobody could do to me.


Is Memphis the crazy one? Or has everyone else "lost their minds"?

Why would Geneva want Hoody dead and vice versa? What are they hiding?

What is it that Memphis wants?

Please comment or PM me what you would like to see in the next Part of the story.

There's new characters & a new storyline that follows the old one.
There's new friends and enemies.

Plus, Chavo would return and you'll find out exactly why he shot Memphis in the prologue.

And also who set up Avery and why.

& there's a change in plans. Either 10 Rules of A Golddigger or Money, Power & Sex would be dropped. Not sure which one yet.

Sleeping With The Enemy (Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon