Chapter 22:: Snapped

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Before I go back to Detroit, I picked up Coco and EJ to go to the mall. Cease and EJ were extremely happy to see each other and so were we.

"You know, I'm proud of you. I thought you really went back to that man." Coco said smiling.

I stared her over and smiled in awe of actually being in the presence of my sister. Even though she gets on my last got damn nerves, I've missed her like crazy.

She looks the same mostly, just a little bit thinner in the face and body. Her eyes are a little puffy and from the lines under them I could tell she's restless.

I shook my head. "I got tired of the drama and abuse. That shit is for the birds."

We were in the Macy's searching the racks for clothes for the boys. I decided to allow Cease to stay with Memphis but deep down inside I'm scared as hell.

What if Memphis gets on some bullshit with me? What if he ups and disappear with my son on some payback shit?

I looked around checking for Cease but he was too preoccupied play fighting with EJ to pay me any attention.

"Memphis wants to keep Cease but I'm scared as hell! What if he takes my son from me?" I said, grabbing a Polo shirt from off the rack.

"What, you think he'll hurt his only son? You know these niggas don't play when it comes to their kids. Even though I can't stand Memphis's dirty drawers, I don't think he'll let anything happen to his son."

I know she's right. Memphis would protect Cease with his life but that doesn't mean he wouldn't get even with me by taking Cease away from me.

I don't know what I'll do without my eldest son! Ever since he was born, four years ago, we've been glued to the hip.

After I grabbed Cease a couple outfits, we stopped and had lunch, then I made a run to grab two cheap pay-as-you-go phones.

My phone started ringing in my purse and I kind of figured it was Chavo. Since we've been in Chicago, I've saw him once, but he's on a business trip so I expected that from him.

I answered without looking at the caller ID. "Hel-loo?"

"Good afternoon." Chavo's deep, smooth voice said. I repeated him. "You gone be ready by 6? I gotta get back."

I nodded as I used one of the pay-as-you-go phones to call the other, store it as "Mommy", and placed it for speed dial.

"Okay, we have to drop off your rental, right?" I asked. When we got here he decided to rent a car so we'll both be able to get around without stepping on each other's toes.

"Yeah, if you could, meet me up there and we'll go from there." That means I have to go pack all of our stuff including his.

When we pulled up to Memphis house, I started panicking and hyperventilating.

"You are totally overreacting!" Coco chuckled. I stepped out of the car, took a breath of fresh air and then opened the back door for Cease to get out.

Before taking him upstairs, I explained the rules of the phone to him. "Call me, every night and morning. And when it rings, always answer. If there's an emergency or your going somewhere, press this button. If you need help right away call 9-1-1." I broke it down to him and made sure he understood.

Everyone climbed out of the car and we all went upstairs after being buzzed up. The door was cracked up so we walked right in.

Memphis was standing in the kitchen drinking a cup of water. "What's up? Damn, Khadijah, you brought the whole family."

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