Chapter 12: T.H.O.T

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When I woke up, all I could do was stress out. Shit isn't getting any better for me, yet I feel trapped.

There's so much to consider. Memphis might just kill me but if I leave there's gonna be a price on my head.

When I sat up in bed, I felt these sharp pains in my stomach. God, please don't let me have a miscarriage.

I started feeling sick to the stomach and rushed to the bathroom. That's the first time I actually had sickness since becoming pregnant.

When I went to the vanity to brush my teeth, I noticed my bruised up face and body before breaking down into tears.

I hurried and got dressed. The only thing I have left to wear is leggings and t-shirts sadly.

Then I grabbed my keys and drove straight to CoCo's house. While pulling up I noticed Hoody's car in the driveway.

At that moment I wanted to drive off but I just really need someone right now. So, I climbed outta my car and knocked on her door.

CoCo opened the door with only her robe on. "Oh, girl. I thought you was Malik."

I couldn't even get a word out before crying. Coco looked at me and noticed my bruised lip, neck and the discoloration in my jaw.

"Khadijah? What did he do to you?!" She pulled me into the house and then closed the door behind me.

I ignored her question because the story is evident on my face. Instead I sat on the couch.

"So, he cheats yet you still take the beating?" Coco sighed. "Where's Cease?"

"Caesar took him with him. I just don't know what to do!" I cried while burying my face in my hands.

"Leave! Shit, leave Chicago." Coco snapped.

I shook my head. "I thought about it but I can't take Cease away from him like that."

"You can't think about shit like that. Number one, you're pregnant, and you're keeping it. That nigga is gonna beat you into a miscarriage. Or, or just plain out kill you. Then Cease loses both parents."

I never looked at it that way.

"The smart thing to do is take Cease and get the hell out of here. The dumbest thing to do is stay here waiting to see how fucked up things could get." Coco said.

We were so deep into our conversation that I didn't realize Hoody bringing his old and ignorant ass into the room.

"Daaaayum!" Hoody said, looking at my lip. "Memphis's shorty whooped yo ass huh?"

"It's not that bad!" Coco said to me. "Why yo ignant ass say that? Go the fuck away."

"I'm just saying, damn. She could've called for back up." Hoody said.

I stood up and got in his face. "Back up? From you? That bitch would probably beat yo old ass. Ain't you two birthdays from being senile? Don't fuck with me. I've been waiting for the moment to get a bullet put in yo ass."

"Two birthdays from being senile." Coco mocked while giggling. Hoody flashed her a look. "What? You are like 42!"

"You know what?" Hoody threatened.

I shook my head. "No, what?"

"Fuck both of y'all." Hoody snapped.

I laughed. "No thanks. Coco, I'll talk to you later." I said walking towards the door.

"Go have fun. Don't be sad and moody all day." Coco said.

Before I walked out I heard what was the beginning of an argument about Hoody's wife and kids who he barely even check on.

After hours of stuffing my mouth with food and indulging in self pity, I decided to make a couple phone calls.

I took Nate up on his offer of taking me out. Since Memphis wants to show out and take Cease. I'm gonna show out too.

Nate picked me up looking fine ass hell and he took me to a Hookah lounge.

"You look sexy as fuck." Nate said, smoking the Hookah. I sighed to myself.

"Thank you." I said, not feeling complemented at all. I tried the Hookah for the first time and wasn't feeling it at all.

Then I noticed this chick I used to be cool with in Memphis. "Rocsi!" I yelled over the loud ass music.

Rocsi turned around and looked at me. "Khadijah!"

"What you doing here?" I said standing up to hug her.

"Girl, me and Amina had to leave Memphis. I got tired of burying my homies, ya know?" I nodded. "How's Cease and Memphis?"

I shrugged. "They're together and terrible." I tried to make sound like a joke.

Rocsi looked over at Nate. "Is that you, girl? You not wit' Memph no more?"

I shook my head. "Hell no and yeah that's the new boo." I said, lying my ass off.

She smirked. "Well okay, girl. Maybe we can hang out one day." I nodded and then sat back down with Nate.

"Here," Nate said, passing me a shot. I hesitates but took it. In less than five minutes I rushed to the bathroom and threw that shit back up.

I had to call it a night early. Shit it wasn't going well with him anyways because we had absolutely nothing to discuss.

I don't think I'm ready to accept the fact that I am alone. Memphis damn sure ain't doing shit for me and mine.

It's time that Khadijah Renee Latimore get her shit together. It's time that Khadijah gets back on the prowl.



--Little hypocritical don't ya think?




-----It gets pretty fucked up in the next chapter.

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