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Intro: You don't know me. You will never know me. You will never know my actual name. Not my story. Not even who my parents are, if I even have a family....Because I do not exist, not anymore at least. I go by the name Luna Monroe. My age is 18 and I was born in London. That is all I have ever told people. That is all I will say.
She was invisible for years and now she only gets noticed when she goes missing

Luna: Dark purple long hair, punk rock style, bright blue eyes, athletic build.
Rayne: dark red long hair, light orange eyes, bad girl style, athletic build.
JAMIE: shoulder length dark brown hair, girlie girl style, brown eyes, buff build.
Amber: black long hair, always braided, bad girl boss style, piercing blue eyes, athletically buff build.

"Come on Luna! Jump you stupid idiot" My best friend Rayne yelled at me over the 20 foot jump.
"Rayne! You know I'm not allowed to be over there." I said backing up.
"Oh come on!" She yelled and jumped back over to me."Why can't you go over there? It's just a deserted house that was burned, how many years ago?"
"Eight..." I hissed at her.
"Luna. Every time we come over here you have fear on your face. What's so scary?"
"Nothing. Can we go now?" I asked, eyeing the old burnt house.
"No. Not until we get you over that jump." She said, pulling me over to the edge.
"Not today! Not ever! I hate the memories it brings to me." I screamed at her.
She backed away from me. I have never screamed or lashed out at her... I moved away from her and ran and jumped over the jump to the other side. I hated the memories the house brought me, but I think it is better than the burning questions in Rayne's head. Anyways, this is where I grew up. I know where all the hiding places were.
I ran through the house like I would have when I was a little kid, yet it was all black and charred. I had to jump over wooden beams to get to the closet under the basement. I grabbed the key around my neck and unlocked the door. There was no handle so I had to open the door with the key. I looked at the wall door and hoped everything was still intact. I opened the door and saw some parts of the tile were burnt but everything was still intact. I quickly closed the door behind me and sat on the cold tile. I lifted up one of the tiles and grabbed a small red box. I opened it and picked up the small picture. My mother, father, brother and two sister.
I was 10 years old when the house was burned. I was 10 years old when I lost my family. I was 10 years old when I should have died. I looked at myself, raven black hair, blue eyes and blue overalls with boots. My eyes shone bright.
"I'm sorry." I whispered, I looked down at my arms and saw long deep scars. The house blew up and I ran in to try and help, but instead got shards of wood and glass inside my arms. I went into foster care after that. I turned 14 and changed my name and hair to blonde and that day got adopted.
"Luna!! Come on!!! Come out!!" Rayne yelled. I slowly put the picture back and put the box into my small backpack and came out of the hiding spot.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you." I said when I saw her. She turned around and looked at me.
"Whose house was this?"
"It was the Brewer's house." I said walking out of the house.
"Were you friends with them or something?"
"Something like that..." I whispered and jumped over the jump. Rayne followed behind and I grabbed my bike out of the bushes and took off.
"Luna! Slow down!'" Rayne yelled after me. I skidded to a stop and got off my bike and sat down. I reached into my backpack and got the red box out and opened it. I pulled the key off my neck and put it into the box. I slid it back into the backpack.
"Luna, what the hell is wrong with you?" Rayne said, pulling up beside me. I quickly got up and back onto my bike.
"Nothing. Lets go to the gym." I said, starting off to the gym.

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