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Chapter Twenty-Six
"Luna, breathe..." Jamie says crawling over to me.
My fangs are out, "I-I cant" I gasp out.
"How much did she give her?" Jamie hissed at Rayne.
"She did it so fast... I couldn't stop her." Rayne muttered out. Jamie looked at me and moved my head so my neck was showing, lead was coursing through my veins, burning me from the inside out.
"A-All of it." I hissed out in agonizing pain, I curled myself into a ball as I hissed.
"You need to get away, now." Jamie whispered to Rayne. I heard clattering and then a small thump. I looked up and saw Jamie helping Rayne onto the beams. I slowly nodded to her and growled.
"Jamie." I hissed.
"I'm here." She said holding my hand..
"Help... me." I whispered out, my body was shutting down.
"Lay on your side." Jamie said, moving me on my side. I growled as the pain ran through my whole body.
"What if I give her my blood?" I heard Rayne say from the beams.
"She wouldn't be able to control herself, it would be worse." Jamie said.
"S-Stay." I whispered. "I've got this." I hissed out and grabbed Jamie's shirt, white knuckling it.
"Jamie, is she okay?" I heard Rayne say in the distance, all I heard was blood pumping.
"She'll be fine." I heard quietly. I grabbed Jamie's wrist and bit into it, I choked on her blood as I tried to feed.
I screamed as I felt the lead move to my chest. "Help me...please..." I whispered out.
"Jamie... Maybe I--"
"No, stay there. She can't hurt anyone while you're up there." Jamie said, cutting Rayne off. She looked at me and whispered, "You can beat this, just rest." I felt a pressure point on my neck and I winced, my vision blurring as I passed out.

"Is she going to be okay?"
"She just needs to rest, lead is worse than anything, it's traveling through her whole body before it settles and she can throw it up... blood would settle it faster but that means she needs all of it, and she'd hate me if I let her do that." I heard Jamie whispering. I felt someone shake me gently and I felt really sick. "In the bucket. In the bucket." They said and I threw up in the bucket. Once I was done I fell back down on my side. I gripped onto the ripped mattress I was laying on and looked around me.
"What's happened?" I whispered.
"You're going to be okay, just relax." Jamie said and sat down next to me.
"Where's Rayne?" I asked looking around.
"She's still up on the beam." Jamie said quietly.
"I'm okay... she can come down..." I said confused.
"Not yet, she'll come down in a bit." She said, looking at me concerned.
"Are you guys okay?" I asked, holding my head.
"Yea." Rayne said looking at me from the beam.
I slowly stand up and walk to the bathroom sink and wash my face under the cold water.
"Why do I have to be the one to get shot up with lead? This isn't fun." I hiss out, spitting into the sink little chunks of blood and lead into the sink.
Jamie walks over to me and leans against the doorway. "You know why Luna."
"I don't care about who I am Jamie, I gave up that life since Alice." I whispered and looked at Rayne.
"And yet you have another one."
"No. She isn't Alice." I hissed at her and walked back to the bed. "You treat her like her. This has happened before but you were the defiant one, is that why you're so submissive?" Jamie asks me.
"It's none of your business Jamie." I hissed and curled up in a ball. I was tired and I was done.
"But it is, and I'm still your sister."
"You stopped being my sister when you tortured me. No matter the circumstances." I hissed. "Now leave me alone." I whispered. "She's here" I hiss out looking at the door.
"Rayne get down." Jamie hisses and Rayne climbs down and sits in the corner. I stare at her and she nods. I look at the door and watch Amber walk in locking the door behind her.
"And the bitch is still alive." Amber says looking at Rayne.
"No thanks to you." Jamie hisses at her. Amber turns around and sees Jamie standing in front of her. I tug at Jamie's pants, trying to stop her.
Amber smirks and punches Jamie in the chest. "You know your place, start acting like it." She hissed at her as Jamie was gasping for air. I stood up and stood in front of Jamie, blocking Amber from Jamie.
"Just leave her alone." I hissed at her. She glared at me and pushed me against the wall.
"What was that?" She growled at me.
"J-Just leave her alone please.." I choked out.
"And why should I do that, all mighty Luna?" She said and punched me in the stomach.
"That isn't me anymore.." I whispered.
"Yeah I know, you killed Alice and now you've got regret." She said nonchalantly. I growled at her and pushed her off.
"Stop thinking you know me." I hissed at her and punched her in the face, she went backwards and hit the wall.

Damphir Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora