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Chapter Twenty-One
"Luna..." I hear a light voice and someone shaking me. I groan out as I slowly open my eyes.
"Come on, there you go." Rayne whispers as she sits me against the wall. She hands me a cup of something and puts it against my lips making me drink it. I drank it quickly and realized what it was when the cup was empty.
I look at her and see her hand. "What did you do...."
"You needed it. You were going to die..." She said holding her cut hand.
"You idiot. You shouldn't have done that. Go stop the bleeding, now" I hissed as I pushed her away from me. "There's a reason I don't feed." I whispered under my breath.
"Fine." She says getting up and bandaging her hand in the bathroom.
"Who told you I was going to die." I ask as she comes out.
"Amber..." She says and I groan as I feel my body quickly and painfully heal all at once.
"Don't believe anything she says. And don't do that ever again." I hiss at her, I can still smell her blood.
"What's wrong?" She asks, sitting next to me.
"Close your eyes, and do exactly what I say." I hiss, her blood smells so good. She nods and looks at me a bit confused but closes her eyes. I bite my wrist and put it up to her mouth.
I take a deep breath, knowing what this could do... "Drink." I whisper and she drinks a bit of my blood. I move my wrist and hold her mouth around my wrist knowing she's going to spit it out. "Swallow." She looks at me very confused. "Please just swallow." She swallows my blood and her hand heals. I let go of her mouth and stand up. I tug on the fabric on my neck. I can practically hear her thoughts racing.
"What was that.." She says getting up and standing in front of me.
"You needed to heal, that was the only fast way." I said and lifted myself up on a piece of plywood, I stared at her as I held myself there.
"You don't just give a Dhampir your blood. There are some reasons they don't feed." I said and did a chin up, then let myself hang again.
"And what's yours?" She asked.
"I like it too much. Now stop with the questions." I hissed as I pulled myself up and held myself there, I needed to expel my energy, I needed to get back to myself. I let myself hang again and she was just staring at me.
"What do you want Rayne?" I said moving around on the wood.
"What did you do..." she asked, I looked at her, confusion invading my face as I did.
"Excuse me?"
"What did you do?" She asked me and held her wrist up. There was a new piece of fabric on her wrist but in a different place. She was pointing to the now scar.
"You were in pain, I had to help." I said quickly, not wanting to talk about it, I let myself hang by one hand as my thumb circled the finger I dug into her wrist.
"What happened Luna." She said firmly.
"I pulled it from your wrist... I had to. She didn't care for your life, I could see it in her eyes." I whispered and dropped to the ground. I stood in front of Rayne.
"I'm done answering questions. I need to get rid of what you did." I hissed the last part and ran towards the wall, I ran up and landed on a beam. I balanced and sat down.
"Show off." Rayne said below me. I smirked and looked at her.
"You want up?" I asked her, smirking. She nodded and I held my hand down and pulled her up and balanced her on the beam.
"Why are you so against being what you are..." She whispered. "I would love these powers..." I took a deep breath.
"You wouldn't love being this, trust me." I whispered and a flash of the dead girl came before my eyes. I lost my balance and I fell down onto my back. All the air was knocked out of me and I was left gasping.
"Luna!" I saw a blurred Rayne drop down from the beam and kneel down next to me. "Breathe, it's okay." She said moving me head onto her lap. I felt like I was choking.
"S-side..." I whispered out. She turned me on my side and I balled my hand into a fist as I pushed on my stomach. I coughed as I gasped in air.
"Fuck." I whispered out as I grabbed a handful of dirt off of the basement floor. I slowly sat up and looked at the ground where I fell and saw blood where my head was. "Shit" I mumbled out as I held my head. "Can you get me a wet towel?" I asked Rayne as I leaned against the wall. She nodded and grabbed a wet towel from the small bathroom. I put it on the back of my head and winced in pain.
"You okay?" She asked looking at me.
"Yea just a bit tired." I nodded and closed my eyes, I let my head rest against the towel and let my arms go to my lap.
"Hey, I don't think you should be sleeping..." She said, shaking me. I opened my eyes and hissed, my fangs prominently out.
"I can do whatever I want." I growled at her, I itched my neck trying to get under the collar. I let my hand fall again and closed my eyes.
"Really now?" I heard a familiar voice, I opened my eyes and saw Amber standing by the door. I looked down as she stared at me.
"No." I whispered at her, knowing I fucked up.
"No what?" She asked, grabbing Rayne by the wrist.
"No I can't do anything I want.." I said as I grabbed the shocking collar around my neck.
"That's what I thought." She said and looked to Rayne. "You stupidly gave her your blood and she still isn't defiant." Amber chuckled and threw Rayne towards me.
Jamie walked into the basement with the bracelet on her arm, there was blood dripping down all the way to her wrist. She stood behind Amber and looked at her.
"Just go sit in the corner until your more obedient Jamie." Amber said, annoyed. Jamie walked over to the corner and sat down looking to her lap.
Amber chuckled as Rayne stood in front of her defiant. "I trained two Dampirs and you think you can defy me?" Rayne took a step forward, eying Amber.
"Rayne, please... just leave it alone." I whispered, tugging at her pants.
"No." She said and punched Amber in the face, Amber took a step back and glared at Rayne.

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