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Luna's POV
Rayne left and went into the bathroom as the pounding continued. I sat still on the bed against the wall and watched the door as it shook.
The door slammed into the wall and Amber stood in its place.
"You were on the news again." She hissed. I stared at her, not saying a word. "Who now?!" She said coming over to me. I stared at her.
"Luna, you okay?" Rayne said, opening the bathroom door.
"Answer me!!!" Amber yelled at me. I just stared at her. She grabbed my hair and threw me into the wall. I sank to the ground. My vision was blurring. Rayne tried to stop her by grabbing her arm and pulling her away but Amber elbowed her in the nose and she fell to the ground. Her nose started to bleed and Amber put her attention back onto me.
"Stand up!" She yelled at me. I stood up slowly. Afraid to disobey her now. She brought her arm back and then forward full speed. Her fist punching my stomach full force. Winded, I took a deep breath, trying to stand but was extremely dizzy, I fell back onto the floor. She started kicking me in the stomach and legs with extreme force.

I don't remember falling asleep, not being this cold. I slowly opened my eyes, only to see a bit of light coming out from under the door. I slowly sat up and slowly moved to the door. My body aches every movement I make. I heard a muffled scream go throughout the house. A loud thud came quickly after it. I stared at the door in silence. Footsteps were heard coming towards the door and I went into the corner of the room farthest from the door as quick as I could. I watched the door quietly. The lights were quickly turned on and Jamie came in, she dropped Rayne from her shoulder. She looked up from Rayne and stared at me. She chuckled, kicked Rayne in the stomach and left. I took a deep breath realizing I was holding it. I ran over to Rayne as my body ached, I picked her up slowly setting her on the torn mattress that was in the corner. I sat next to her. I heard her groan and she slowly opened her eyes.
"Hi...." I whispered looking at her. Her pants and shirt were torn and blood was seeping through. She painfully smiled and slowly pushed herself into a sitting position. "What happened?" I asked.
"I can't talk about it..." She whispered looking down at her wrists. They were bruised and cut up.
"What happened Rayne." I asked again. She stared at the blood slowly dripping down her arm. Her eyebrows furrowed and she rubbed the blood, causing it to clot over the cut.
"Nothing." She said, lying down. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. I slowly curled down next to her and slowly fell asleep.

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