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I woke up to the smell of death. I looked around, I'm in the basement. I looked at my hands, they were bound to the chair, same as my feet. I took a deep breath. The smell was getting overwhelming. I looked around the basement again. Nothing but knives and blood. My blood.
I struggled against the thick rope around my body. Each movement sent pain throughout my body. After a few minutes I stopped struggling.
"You done?" Amber said coming out behind me.
"What did you do to me?" I asked.
"Sedatives to calm you down." Amber said, holding a needle to my face. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.
"Don't worry, you'll be fine." She said, I opened my eyes just as she injected the dark liquid into my neck. I whimpered as she pulled the needle out slowly.
"Asshole." I hissed out, breathing deeply.
"What did you call me?" She asked threateningly. She couldn't do anything worse to me than she already has.
"I said you're an asshole. You resemble a hole of the ass that one would shit out of." I spit, my voice laced with venom. My metabolism burns through the sedatives quicker now that I'm awake. She came into my view entirely and I saw her smirking.
"You have no clue who you are dealing with." She said and punched me in the chest. I tried to say something but that punch gave me so much pain for anything to reach my lips. My vision going in and out. I blacked out.

Damphir Where stories live. Discover now