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Rayne's pov
My blood was boiling. They had no right to do that to her. I'm gonna kill them!
I kept pounding on the door until a girl opened the door. She had long black hair with a beanie on with a bikers jacket on and blue jeans with heavy platform boots. She didn't scare me. I immediately threw a punch at her and hit her in the jaw, sending her off balance. I chuckled and kicked her in the stomach. She looked at me as I pulled my foot  back. I stood with my fists balled, ready to punch her again. She cracked her knuckles then neck and stared at me.
"You know, your friend was a fighter too," She said, pushing me into the room. She locked the door, shutting the door behind her. She walked over to Luna and stood in front of her. Luna's eyes were shut and her breathing was slow. "But your little Dhampir didn't put up much of a fight." She said, pulling her up by her hair.
I heard a whimper and I went closer, but the girl pulled out a taser and stuck it on the bottom of her jaw.
"You wouldn't. That would kill her." I said putting my hands up but taking a step towards her.
She cocked her head to the side, chuckling. She tased her. Luna gasped in pain, opened her eyes as her body shook. The girl dropped her to the ground tasing her again on the back.
"Stop!" I screamed, but I stayed put. She tasered her again in the neck and walked out. I ran to Luna as fast as I could have, picking her up and laying her against the wall. I felt for her heartbeat, it was there but slow. I hugged her slowly and had her cuddle against me, she whimpered, still twitching but slowly drifted off to sleep. As did I.

I woke up to a whimper and immediately searched for Luna. She was being hung in the middle of the room, her pained expression angering me. I got up slowly trying not to get them to notice me. I got up and ran at the girl. I flew back, my head hitting the ground hard. I hissed in pain and grabbed my neck. It was a collar, a chain collar. I took a deep breath and laid there, closing my eyes.
"Look at that Luna, so stupid."
"Jamie.... p-please, leave her be." Luna said, her voice cracking. I heard footsteps coming over to me. "PLEASE JAMIE!" She yelled. I slowly opened my eyes, seeing the girl, Jamie. I quickly sat up, backing away from her. She just chuckled.
"Jamie! Please stop!" Luna yelled. Jamie reached into her pocket and pulled out a throwing knife. She smiled evilly, she looked at me and quickly threw the knife at Luna. It went into her leg making her scream out in pain.
"She is a very very stupid Dhampir, isn't she?" She said and pulled out a silver pick, pulling me up by my arm making me stand. She put it in the lock and the collar fell off.
"Go sit in the chair." She said pointing to the chair a few feet from Luna. "If you don't I'll throw another knife." She said and I walked over to the chair, sitting down. She cuffed me to the chair and moved the chair so I was sideways to Luna.
"Now you're gonna see what she becomes, yes?" She hisses in my ear and gives Luna a shot in the neck. She whimpers and opens her eyes. They changed from bright blue to dark grey. Jamie pulls out a throwing knife out of her pocket and comes back over to me.

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