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Chapter Twenty-Four
"Don't even try to talk to me about it, I'm not like you, I won't bow down to her." Rayne hisses at me even before I get up.
I breathe out and stand up, "I know you won't." I whisper out. I grab her hand but she pulls it back and pushes me against the wall.
"Don't make me fight you." She hisses at me, holding me to the wall.
"Please let me show you something..." I say lightly, trying not to make her hate me more.
"Fine." She hisses out and lets me go. She holds out her hand and I slowly grab it and pull it up to my neck.
"You need more strength for one and for two you need to stop caring about me for a few minutes, all fear of me dying needs to be gone." I say looking at her.
"I don't care if you die or not." She hisses at me.
"I'm serious." I say and let go of her wrist. I move my head so the needle in the fabric shows a little. "It's attached to the biggest part of my pressure points, she could kill me if she wanted, I can't stop her, neither can Jamie... Give me your band." I say the last part lightly. She gives me her wrist with the bracelet on it and I move my finger under it. "Be as quiet as you can when I do this or she'll know." I whisper as I hit the needle. She nods and looks at me. I dig my nail into her skin and she bites her lip groaning, I take a deep breath and stick the needle into my finger and pull. I whimper as it starts shocking me and I pull it out. "Shit.." I gasped out and hit the wall in pain. My eyes flutter and I see Rayne grab my hand, she pulls the needle from my finger and throws it across the room. I hang my head and take a deep breath.
"Come on, you need to stay awake." She says and picks my head up to look at her.
"I just need to rest for a second." My eyes are wanting to close so badly. I shake my head as I remember I have a time limit. "Damnit." I hiss at myself and stand up, leaning against the wall. I bite my wrist, blood slowly pools in my palm. "You need the strength. Drink, please."
"You're joking...right?" She looks at me like I'm mad. "You're too weak." She shakes her head.
"Drink now or you wont make it." I stare at her.
"Fine." She hesitantly holds my hand and drinks, she looks like she's about to throw up, I grab her mouth and make her drink. The door opens and I drop to the ground about to pass out.
Rayne looks at me and I point to the collar pressure point.
"So what's it gonna be Luna?" She says walking in. She looks at the scene and hisses at Rayne. "What did you do!" She grabs Rayne by the throat and pushes her against the wall. Rayne just chuckles and takes Amber's hand off her neck.
"You idiot." She hisses and grabs the button, pushing mine. I hiss in pain as I grab at it.
"Stop or she'll die." Amber hisses at Rayne. Rayne looks at me and I shake my head.
"I don't plan on stopping until you're dead." Rayne hisses out and slams Amber into the wall, she's got my strength, good. The pain stops as Amber drops the button. I lean against the wall as I watch Rayne walk over to Amber and pick her up, pushing her against the wall.
"Stop or I'll kill Jamie." Amber chokes out and she looks at me. I clench my jaw and stare at Rayne as she chokes her.
"No Luna. Not until she's dead." Rayne hisses out.
"But..." I whisper
"No." Rayne hisses and pushes harder. Amber stomps on the button and pain shoots from my neck all the way down my spinal cord. I scream in pain. Rayne looks at me and Amber presses a pressure point in Rayne's neck, her arms go limp for a second and Amber runs out the door and locks it behind her. The pain is still going and my vision is fading.
"Are you okay?" Rayne is quickly by my side.
"N-no..." I whisper out as I pass out.

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