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X You know what the Buddhists say? Don't cling to things, because my dear, everything is impermanent.X

I went home to my apartment after the gym and took a shower. When I was done I put on undergarments, a red crimson long sleeve shirt and black jeans, socks and running shoes. I grabbed my iPod and ear buds. I put my long blonde hair up into a ponytail and put the music on shuffle and opened the door, then locked it.
I took off running, not stopping until I reached the dead end. I grabbed the fence and took a deep breath and the memories of the fire spread through my brain.
"keep active Luna, you won't think about it" I whispered to myself and jumped the fence and ran into the field.
"Jamie, Shut the hell up!" Someone yelled. I stopped completely.
"Jamie?" I whispered, I lowered the volume on my iPod and took out one of my headphones.
"No one is out here Amber," Jamie said.
I heard a thump and backed up. I sadly stepped on a branch and it broke, making a huge *snap*
"Shit..."I hissed.
"Yeah, no one. Now go find them Jamie." I heard footsteps coming closer to me. I looked around me. No bushes. No trees, nothing. So I stood in place, with my earbuds in, looking at my iPod, hoping she would think I didn't see or hear anything. She came out with a gun pointing at me.
"We got a girl!" Jamie yelled, grabbing my arms.
"Idiot! Bring her over." Amber yelled. Jamie grabbed my wrists tighter and tugged me over to where Amber was. I saw a man dead with a stab wound in his back. Blood seeping underneath him. I pulled on my wrist, trying to get free, but they both just laughed.
I unplugged my earphones and they fell to the ground. I always keep my iPod in a pocket I made inside my pants.
Amber picked up my headphones and put them into her pocket.
"Do you have a phone?" She asked, pointing the knife at me. It was dripping blood. I shook my head. "Do you have any electronics?" She asked, I quickly shook my head.
"Check her." Amber said to Jamie.
"Hands up, feet apart." Amber hissed. I did what I was told.
She stopped at my belt and lifted the back of my shirt up. She rolled her eyes when she found a tiny pocket knife. She threw it over to Amber and she caught it. She let my shirt drop.
"Do you talk?" Amber asked. I slowly nodded. "What is your name?"
"Luna Monroe." I whispered.
"How old are you? and do you have family?"
"Eighteen and no..." I whispered again.
"Well it is up to you. Since you witnessed this" She said pointing to the dead man, "You can come with us, Do what we say, when we say it. Or die on the spot, where you stand" Amber hissed.
I whispered that I would go and she nodded to Jamie. Jamie reached into her pocket and pulled out a syringe. My breathing escalated and I started to struggle in her grip.
"If you keep on struggling it will hurt more." Amber whispered in my ear. Jamie gave me to Amber and she put me into a choking position. After a minute I stopped clawing her, I fell limp.
"Right here." Amber said and I felt cold metal pierce my skin and darkness overtook me.

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