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"Luna. Luna wake up" I was shaken awake by Rayne. "Come on we need to go."
"I can't" I hiss as I feel the bracelet tighten. I grab it and pull on it. "I have to go back. I can't be out here, not with this on."
She looks at my bracelet and grabs it, pulling at it and pain fills my body. My canines grow and I growl at her, "STOP." I hiss. My vision goes red and I hear her blood pumping. "Get away from me Rayne." I sit against the tree as I see my leg still bleeding.
"I'm not leaving you." She says and sits in front of me.
"Leave, please." I angrily bite my arm and blood lightly trails down, sending pain to distract me for a few seconds. "Leave." I hiss at her. My eyes are red, I know it. I need to get that bracelet key. I need to get this fucking bullet out of me.
"You're hurt, I'm not leaving." She says holding onto my hand.
"If you don't leave I'll end up killing you. Leave." I hissed at her. I needed her to leave.
She moved back a little, I could see her trying to stop herself from running.
"GO!" I growled and she moved away. I could smell her still but I didn't care. She was away from me, and that's all that mattered.
I growled as I dug into my leg and grabbed the wooden bullet out of my leg, I cracked it in half and lead came out of it. "Fuck" I hissed at myself, I knew I should've kept moving. Staying in one place for too long attracts them.
"Rayne, you need to leave. For real." I said as I heard a twig snap. She walked over to me and stared at the bullet laying on the ground.
"You're my best friend... despite this" She said motioning to my eyes and teeth.
"This," I motioned to my face, "Is what can get you killed, what got you here." I said to her. I growled as I forced my leg to heal, I wouldn't make it to the house on a half healing leg.
"What are you... anyways.." She whispered, intrigued. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"You really don't want to know, trust me." I said and pushed myself up off the tree.
"I do though." She whispered behind me.
"I'm a Dhampir. There, now get lost." I hissed as I could hear her following me.
"And that is?" She asked as she stomped on behind me.
I took a deep breath and stopped. "Okay walk more quietly, geez."
"Well?" She said, stopping behind me.
"I'm half human and half vampire, yes they exist, no they don't burn in the light, no they don't hate garlic, yes we are perfect hunters, and yes we hate being followed." I said annoyed.
"But how?" She said confused.
"Seriously? Do you not know anything about grimm vampires?" I rolled my eyes. "My dad had sex with my mom and here I am. Are you done yet?"
"I only asked one question..."
"There are the usual annoying questions that I get out of the way, like do I hurt in the sun, can I eat garlic, do I drink blood, can I hunt like a vampire...excetera" I said leaning against the tree, the bracelet making it harder to walk.
"Umm.." she said looking at me.
"Me and Jamie are the only ones left... that I know of. I thought she died in the fire, but I guess I was wrong. Amber must be using her, I don't know how and right now I really don't care. I just want to get this bracelet off and go home so I can heal in a safer way. Now are you going to go or are you going to follow me." I said done with talking. I'm hungry and hurting.
"Follow" She said as she looked at me, she hesitated.
"I only feed when I need to heal." I tell her as she walks next to me.
"Don't you need to right now? Heal I mean." She asks looking at me.
"Not that bad as to feed on you Rayne." I whisper and take a deep breath, trying to curb the hunger.
I stare ahead and a young dead girl flashes in front of me, I stumble back and fall on my ass. "Shit." I hiss under my breath.
"Luna?" Rayne comes into my vision, she looks concerned.
I shake my head, I need to keep my head clear. I won't do that again. "I'm fine" I hiss as I stand up.
"You aren't though..." She says putting her hand on my shoulder.
My fangs flash and she backs up. "I-I'm sorry. I'm just hungry." I hiss at myself, more than her. "You should walk behind me..." I move away from her and close my eyes, I take a deep breath and my teeth slowly retract. I look at her and she's eying me as I start walking. "I'm sorry..." I whisper as I start walking toward the house again. I need to get this off, now.
"Does it hurt?" She asks and points to her own gums.
"Yes." I whisper at her, my head straight.
"What does it feel like?" She asks, moving a bit closer to me. I look at her confused.
"Why do you want to know..." I ask and she shrugs.
"I dont know."
"It feels like your gums are getting cut apart and something is being pushed out that isn't supposed to be there."
"Everytime?" She asks, I nod and look ahead again.
She moves even closer to where she's a few steps away. "Then why do it?" I chuckle at her question.
"Most actually like feeding... I don't, so I try to do it only when I have to... but sometimes when I'm mad or hurting they come out. I can't stop it." I whisper.
"You hate it..." She whispers as she looks at me.
"Yes." I say and lean against a tree, I move my hair away from my ears and hear a crash in the distance. Then screaming.
"What is it?" Rayne asks looking around.
"Stay here. I'll be right back." I say and run towards the sounds. I'm faster than humans and vampires, it took a couple seconds to get there. I knock down the door and see Amber kicking Jamie in the stomach, she has blood dripping from her mouth. Amber looks up and chuckles.
"Maybe this was a good investment." She says grabbing the key and the button for the bracelet around her belt. I eye the key and step into the house on the door.
"Give." I hissed out, my fangs growing as my anger grew. I didn't even care about Jamie, only the key.
"Oh, what? This?" She said and held the button and key in her hand, dangling it in the air.
I growl and walk over to her, I want to savor this moment. "Yes that." I hiss.
Amber pushes the button and I fall to the ground in pain. The bracelet is pushing all of the pressure points.
"Fuck" I hiss grabbing at the bracelet. "Stop!" I scream out.
"Stop what?" She says all innocent. "Stop this?" She presses the button again and it releases it. I fall on my hands. My vision is blurry as I try to look at her. I can't see her clearly, my vision looks at Jamie and I see a bracelet on her arm.
"What did you do to her?" I hissed at Amber and stood up.
"Oh this?" She asked as she snapped the bracelet on Jamie's arm.
"Yes" I hissed out, my fangs growing and my vision red with anger.
"Oh calm down little Dhampir." She says pushing my bracelet button, I fall to the ground in pain.
"Please.... Stop..." I try to get out between breaths.
"Behave." She says pushing it again. I nod slowly. She takes out another strand of the bracelet fabric and looks at me. "Stay still or it goes on for longer." I nod as I watch her move closer to me. She moves my hair away as she puts on the strand and quickly clicks it onto my neck.
"No no no no no." I whisper as I try to get it off.
"Quit worrying, it's only on your pressure point." I look at her in horror, then look at Jamie and see where her bracelet is... it's on her biggest pressure point. Fuck.
"Now listen to what I say and obey." She hisses out. I sit and look at her, I can't handle much more, and I wont feed.
I hear tiny footsteps coming from the doorway but I don't look, not while Amber is looking at me.
"Give me your wrist." She says pointing to the wrist with the bracelet on it. I slowly raise it to her and she unclips it with the key and it drops to the ground. I pull my wrist back and rub it, it's red and has a small cut in the middle of my wrist.
She can see my confusion and chuckles at me. "That's how it gets to your pressure point. That's why it hurt so much." I grab at my neck and try to get it off. No no no no.
"Stop that." She hisses at me, but I can't stop freaking out. It's cutting into my neck, no way am I letting that happen. "Last chance." I need it off, I won't stop.
"Fine." She hisses and I feel pain go through my body, I can't breathe, what's happening to me.
"St-top..." I got out as I slammed down against the wall.
"Will you listen to me?" she asks. I quickly and painfully nod. "Okay." She says and the pain goes away. I feel my neck, where my pressure point is and I feel wet dripping blood from underneath the hard fabric.
"Ooh I really did a number on you this time, didn't I?" She chuckles and bends down looking at my neck. I can feel my fangs poking out beneath my gums, I can hear her blood flowing through her veins. She looks at me and grabs my face, making me show her my teeth, my fangs showing. She chuckles at me and gets closer to my face. "Are you really going to do that?" She says looking at me in the eyes.
I hear broken glass being snapped and look towards the hallway. Amber pulls my face back towards her. "So are you?" She said squinting her eyes at me, questioning me. I wanted to so much, I wanted to rip open her throat and kill her right here, but she has that key and button. She could turn it on and I could be in pain until I die.
"N-no" I whispered out and painfully forced my fangs back. I hear another piece of glass break.
"Hello Rayne." Amber says as Rayne was about to slam a knife into her back. Amber turned so fast and grabbed the knife, her moves were almost not human. She plunged the knife into Rayne's calf and she screamed in pain. I growled and stood up, facing down Amber.
"Oh really now?" Amber smirked. "You won't do shit." She hissed. "Now sit." She stated.
I growled and sat against the wall, my fangs prominently showing. I looked at Rayne as she stared at me, in pain and worried.
Amber turned her attention away from me and to Rayne. She grabbed the knife and turned. I growled and moved towards Rayne, wanting to protect her.
"Tsk tsk tsk." Amber said, waving her finger at me. She held the button to my neck in her other hand. I growled as I stopped moving. "Back up." She hissed and I backed up until I was against the wall.
"Just let her go." I hissed out. "You have me." I whispered hating myself. I can't believe I got caught by someone who knows who I am, after years of running.
"Nah, I think I'll keep her too." She said and put a bracelet on Rayne's wrist.
"Please... I'm begging you, let Rayne go. I won't resist anymore. Just let her go." I bowed my head.
"I know you won't, not when I have her." She said and pressed Rayne's button. I saw Rayne's face contort into a painful expression as she tried to pull off the bracelet.
"Please Amber.... Let her go. I beg of you." I begged her. Amber just chuckled and looked at Rayne.
"How long do you think it'll take for her to pass out? You're inhuman, she isn't." She said looking from me to Rayne.
"Amber, don't." I hissed and rushed over to Rayne, not caring about the consequences.
"Back away." Amber hissed at me. I shook my head as I gripped at the bracelet, trying to find the needle that was pushing into her wrist. My finger rubbed against it and I dug into her skin and pushed it into my finger. I gasped in pain as it sent energy into my body. I pulled it to where it snapped at the fabric and pulled my finger from her wrist. I collapsed next to her as the needle still shocked me. I passed out a few seconds later.

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