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"The day I realized my sister was dead was the day my soul died." I hissed at Jamie as she had just punched me in the stomach. I took a deep breath and stood up. Blood pouring from my leg. 'I guess I am not going to heal.' I thought to myself. She punched me again and took off the bracelet while I was down.
"The day you started fighting your own blood was the day I gave up on you sister." She hissed and swung the knife, carving another gash into my leg. I screamed out in pain, but stayed put. She pushed me into the wall hard and fast. My head and back take most of the pressure. My vision blurring, I heard a groan coming from the corner.
"Rayne..." I whispered, remembering she got knocked out when she ran at Jamie before I joined the fight.
"Look at that Luna, your friend is awake. What should I do now?" She asked walking over to Rayne.
I tried to get up but ended up falling down again in pain.
"Please stop. Just torture me, not her." I hissed, trying to get up to save Rayne from being hurt.
"She must mean a lot to you." Jamie said walking over to me.
"Just leave her alone.....please." I said as my energy was fading entirely. My eyes were slowly closing.

Damphir Where stories live. Discover now