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I slowly woke up to a light tapping on the wall. I slowly opened my eyes and looked to the door. There stood Amber.
"You're an interesting creature. Your healing is impeccable"
"Just leave me alone." I whispered, still extremely tired. Healing hurts like hell.
"No can do." She said and I felt something being put around my wrist. "Maybe you'll be less stupid with this. Now get up." She said as she clipped the tight bracelet on my wrist. I yanked at the bracelet trying to get it off. "That's not going to do anything. Now get up." She said and clicked a button on her pocket. I felt a volt of pain go through my wrist. I hissed and got up, standing in front of her. I wobbled a little bit but got my balance.
"It's really stupid to leave somewhere you can't escape. Very stupid." She said shocking me again. "Now follow me." She hissed and started towards the door. I slowly started following her, afraid of being shocked again. She walked down a very confusing hallway and stopped in front of a dark red door. She turned around and grabbed my arm pushing me inside to the middle of the room. The door slammed shut and the lights came on. There was an unconscious girl hanging up by her arms on the wall. She had dark red hair flowing down over her face. Her arms cut up, there was so much blood, not to mention her pants soaking with blood. Blood was coming out of her nose and she had a black eye.
My face contorted, trying to figure out who she was. She groaned and her eyes slowly opened. Light orange eyes, almost golden eyes staring at me. I froze.
"Rayne?" I gasped.
"Luna?" She said weakly.
"Yeah, come on. I'm gonna get you out." I said struggling to get the chains off. Once the chains were off I felt a volt of pain go through my wrist, straight towards my spine. Both hands letting go of Rayne and pulling on the bracelet, I fell to the ground in pain.
I heard a thud and a groan next to me. I forgot about Rayne. I slowly got up and leaned Rayne against the wall, collapsing next to her. I looked at her and took a deep breath. "Sorry for letting go." I whispered.
"You okay?" She asked, I looked at the door.
"I'm fine. Are you?" I asked looking at the huge gash in her arm.
"Yeah..." She said with a shaky breath.
"How long have you been here?" I asked.
"Since I put out the alert you were missing..." She looked at her shaky hands and counted, "About 10 or 15 days, I think. I've lost track." She said. I watched the blood flow down her arm slowly. I took off my shirt and pulled my under armour shirt down, and tied it on her arm, stopping the blood. She chuckled a little and looked at the black and white shirt.
"Well now I look like a zebra."
"Still have a sense of humor?"
"Always." She said sitting up straight.
"How long have I been missing?" I whispered.
"A little more than a month." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, slowly opening my eyes I stared at the door.
"Do you know what they want?" She asked and I chuckled.
"I never will." I said slowly getting up.

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