5. Meeting Him

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For the past 20 minutes, I am standing in front of my closet unable to decide what to wear tonight. Unlike last night, I don't wanna feel out of place.

Today I am feeling super tired. Firstly I had to drop my niece Suzy at her school. I reached a bit early to work on my project because the weddings in the upcoming weeks are keeping everyone occupied. Two weddings in a row. Everything was frenzied. Elle sent me the guest lists today. There were around 500 names on the list. The idea of the scale on which my first wedding project is gonna happen was finally sinking in. We had meetings to discuss upcoming weddings with different groups. I have dreamed about organizing my own wedding project but not this early.

Finally, I decided to wear this apricot stripe strapless cocktail dress which hugs my curves perfectly. Slipping into it, I put some light makeup and matching heels. Then I pulled my hair back in a messy bun. Looking at myself in the mirror, I was satisfied with my look. Grabbing my purse, I hit the road.

I arrived at the club after 45 minutes of drive. I tread directly towards the stripper club.

"Hey", the same disinterested lady from yesterday greets me. "Up for the subscription?".


She explains me about all the services that are related to various packages. "You went in yesterday. So, do you have anyone in mind? I mean for the service. If not then we will assign from our side", she asks showing me pictures of all the strippers.

"This one", I point out to the man with green eyes.

"Oh, he is our Star Roller. Good choice. His name is Adonis", she informs me.

"Is that his real name?", I interrogate her, not quite believing it.

"No, that's his stage name. It is one of the club's policies to protect their real identity so that the customers don't disturb their privacy". She also tells me how thoughtful and nice their boss is.

After all the procedure was done, I was told to head straight to the room and was informed that my service will be provided soon. Here I am waiting for him in this semi-lit room. I was so engrossed in my own thoughts that I didn't realize someone entering into the room until two strong arms hugged me from behind. My reflexes reacted first before I could understand what was happening. Turning around I punched his face, creating a pink patch under his beautiful eyes.

"Ouch, what the fuck was that for?", he groans.

"Who the hell are you? And why were you holding me like that?", I yell.

"Easy Ms. Boxer. I meant no harm", he replies.

"Doesn't matter. Who are you?", I say nonchalantly.

"Oh yes, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself. I am Adonis."

Upon realizing the situation, I tried apologizing to him. "Sorry. I didn't realize because of the low light", I say a bit embarrassed. Good start Ezra. Keep up the work, mentally facepalming myself.

"Well, that was a hard punch for someone like you", he comments while checking me out.

What does that mean? "Excuse me, Is there something wrong with me?".

"No, It's just that you look like a soft little bean. Didn't think that you had so much inside." He jokes while winking at me.

This guy might be the most handsome man I have ever met but he is too self-centered and judgemental. Trying not to spoil my mood more, I decided to calm myself down and get to the point. "Well if you are done making fun of me, I am here for something".

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