17. Special To Me

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*Ezra POV*

I woke up with a severe headache in the morning. For how long I was asleep? Checking my phone from the side table, it was already 9 am. Perfect, I am late again. No wonder I hate Monday mornings. As I got up from the bed I dropped down with a thud because of the throbbing ache in my head.

"Rise n shine Ms. Sanders. I made you hangover soup." He passed me the bowl and sat beside me. I felt his gaze on me making me shiver. "Is there something wrong?"

"No just.."

"Just?" I asked him, curious as to why he was being weird early in the morning.

"Do you perhaps remember what happened yesterday?" As much as I wanted to remember, I couldn't. Everything is bits and pieces.

"I don't remember well except we were drinking in the living area," I said to him while sipping my soup.


I could sense something in his voice but couldn't decipher. "I thought you already left."

"I was about to leave after putting this on the table", he said pointing to my soup.

"I can't thank you enough for everything Mike."

"You don't have to. I enjoy everything with you." We smiled at each other softly.

"Okay I should leave, it's already late. See you tonight." He said getting up ready to leave.



"Don't bother about tonight. I am working late. Only three days are left for the wedding".

"Oh okay. Just text me if there is any change in plan. Till then enjoy and don't stress yourself out. Buh-bye".

"I won't. Bye".

After he left, I finished my soup and went towards the bathroom. I took a quick shower and got ready in 20 minutes. I grabbed my bag from the table and left for work.


We were at the bride's place. Nick is helping me. All others were busy with the other two weddings.

"Ah Nick, just talk to the caterers and get those 5 items added in the menu. I am going towards the wedding hall to see the progress".

"Aye aye, captain".

I was walking towards my car checking the list of things to be done when I bumped into someone. "Sorry I wasn't looking".

"It's okay...", she said panting but stopped in between on realizing it was me. Or that's what I felt because her expression changed from a concerned one to a cold stare.

"Elena, you okay? You know that running is not good for your state." I picked up her phone which was on the ground due to our previous impact and gave her.

She snatched her phone from my hand quite roughly. "Oh, please stop with your fake concern".

"Fake concern? What are you saying?"

"No need to put up the act anymore. I know what type of women you are?", she said quite loudly that people nearby stopped whatever they were doing to witness our showdown. Thankfully, all were Smith's helpers and Nick.

"What do you mean?" By this time even I was losing my patience.

"You shameless and poor women. You see nothing in front of money. How can you still arrange this wedding?"

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